Esade Impact Talks | «Impact investing: Financing impact»
Esade-URL (Av. d'Esplugues, 92-96. Barcelona)
Esade Careers and the Esade Center for Social Impact joined forces to shape a speakers’ series around the Impact sector with the objective of giving you the opportunity to better understand the Social and Environmental Impact ecosystem, learn about possible career opportunities within this area and identify your own personal fit.
This fifth and last session of the series will help you discover how impact is financed. Come meet outstanding professionals from impact investing organizations, and get to ask them about their careers, what the sector looks like and what peculiarities this area holds that you should take into account.
If you are interested in an Impactful Career, this is your starting point!
If you want to attend the event, sign up here.
També et pot interessar
Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna-URL (c. Císter, 24-34. Barcelona)
Aula Magna de La Salle-URL (c. Sant Joan de La Salle, 42. Barcelona)
Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna-URL (c. Valldonzella, 12. Barcelona)