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IQS Tech Factory Talk Series con Nicolas Avril, Vice-President Europe at Dragon Innovation

Conferencias y jornadas
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IQS Tech Factory Talk Series is a dialogue amongst the leaders of the industrial innovation and startup ecosystem.
You can follow all sessions here. Get involved in the conversation by posting your questions and comments during the streaming.

Remember to share your reflections in social media using the hashtag #TALKSERIESIQSTF

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Conferencias y jornadas

Facultad de Psicología, Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte Blanquerna-URL (c. Císter, 24-34. Barcelona)

Conferencias y jornadas

Aula Magna de La Salle-URL (c. Sant Joan de La Salle, 42. Barcelona)

Conferencias y jornadas

Facultad de Comunicación y Relaciones Internacionales Blanquerna-URL (c. Valldonzella, 12. Barcelona)