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ENGAGE.EU representatives participated in an European Alliances event in Spain


Friday, May 26, 2023. On Monday 22th of May, the French embassy in Spain has hosted an event for the European Alliances that have a French university as a full member. The conference has been co-organized between the Spanish and the French governments.

Among the speakers were Jacques Comby, responsible for the European Universities Missions of the French Governement, Vanessa Debiaus-Saintoin, Head of Higher Education Unit at the European Commission and Thierry Coulhon president of the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres).

Among the attendees and other participants there were representatives from SEPIE (Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education), from CRUE (the Spanish National Rector’s Conference) and from several European alliances.

The topics discussed have been the main challenges that the alliances have to face, specifically concerning bureaucracy, the potentialities that these partnerships have and the internal and external communication strategies.

ENGAGE.EU has been part of these discussions through two of our management team: Marta Busquets from Ramon Llull University and Clementine Bories from Université Toulouse Capitole 1.

More information

Marta Busquets Calopa
Local URL coordinator at ENGAGE.EU
Ramon Llull University
Tel. 93 602 22 00