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Student Council

The Student Council is the representative body for URL students, allowing them to express their opinions and vote on the university’s academic matters. It is a support platform for students to be able to raise their proposals and requests to the governing bodies of the URL

About us

The Student Council consists of three representative bodies:

  • Council of representatives: consisting of a democratically elected representative for each centre’s undergraduate degree programmes, a representative for university Master’s programmes and a representative for PhD programmes.

  • Committee of representatives: consisting of a representative from each centre chosen democratically amongst all the members of the Council of Representatives.

  • Permanent committee: consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, all chosen democratically by the Committee of Representatives.

The current representatives are:

  • President: Cristian Cifuentes Martín (ESDi-URL) 
  • Vice Presidente: Pau Gener Ferrer (La Salle-URL)
  • Secretary: Carlos Duncan Vázquez Parra (Esade-URL) 
  • Treasurer: Andrea Ballester Gríful (La Salle-URL) 

In addition, the Student Council delegates specific tasks to committees, which may be temporary or permanent. These committees are open to the participation of any student of the URL who shows interest in the subject. Interested persons should contact the representative of their center in the Student Council to request their incorporation.

The Student Council, through its president, institutionally represents the URL in two bodies, one of Catalan scope and the other of Spanish scope: the Consell de l'Estudiantat de les Universitats Catalanes (CEUCAT) and the Consejo de Estudiantes Universitarios del Estado (CEUNE).

Documents of interest

Estatut de l'Estudiant Universitari

Reial Decret 1791/2010, de 30 de desembre, pel qual s’aprova l’Estatut de l’Estudiant Universitari.

Regulations for URL student representatives

Approved by the URL Governing Board on September 22, 2022

Catalan version