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Transparency portal

In accordance with its commitment - to the university community and to society - to be an open and transparent university, in this section the URL publishes key information related to its areas of action

This space provides access to information on the institutional organization and administrative structure, economic management and actions of legal relevance of the URL. At the same time, this Portal complies with the requirements of active publicity established both in Law 19/2014, of September 29, on transparency, access to public information and good governance and in ORDER JUS/152/2018, of September 12, by which the level of subjection of foundations and associations declared of public utility is established.

The URL Fundació was registered, on October 25, 2016, in the Register of interest groups of Catalonia of the Department of Justice of the Generalitat de Catalunya in category IV "Scientific and research sector" and subcategory "Think tanks and academic or research institutions in general", with unique identifier number 758.
