Social commitment

In accordance with its commitment - to the university community and to society - to be an open and transparent university, in this section the URL publishes key information related to its areas of action

Ramon Llull University encourages cooperation and volunteerism through classes and programmes taught at its different centres as well as through professional internships in cooperation projects for development in Latin American and African countries. It also promotes cooperation and volunteerism actions through the iniciatives and projects of its institutions

The Ramon Llull University develops its public service project through higher education, research and transfer from social initiative. These three elements are fully integrated in the mission of the University and are addressed with the commitment to society and always from an ethical point of view

The Observatory for Equal Opportunities (OIO) was created during the 2007-2008 academic year. It is the specialised body within Ramon Llull University in charge of fomenting and coordinating actions for the entire university community (students, faculty and researchers, and administrative and service staff) to be able to carry out their respective activities with equal opportunity guarantees

The URL, in its commitment to society and the promotion of talent, makes an effort to offer aid and scholarship programs to promote equity in access to the University

La Universitat Ramon Llull, inspirada pel seu ideari i complint amb el seu compromís amb els valors de l'humanisme cristià, organitza diferents activitats pastorals en els principals àmbits universitaris: acadèmic i de recerca, voluntariat i cooperació i acompanyament de la fe

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