Research and innovation
One of URL’s priority objectives is to foment innovation through research in order to be able to respond to the main challenges the society faces today. At the same time, URL also promotes the transfer of knowledge, committed to the R&D&I needs of both companies and society in general

Ramon Llull University (URL) considers responsible research aimed at addressing social challenges and the commitment to conducting high-quality research that serves the well-being of individuals as one of the key pillars of its Strategic Framework.

The concept of open science has many definitions, but everyone seems to agree that it is the greatest possible dissemination of scientific knowledge, free to all users, accessible online and reusable

The Doctoral Committee Technical Secretariat, which reports to the Research and Innovation Office, provides support to the Academic Committees of the University's Doctoral Programmes and is responsible for managing the processing of doctoral theses.

The URL Research and Innovation Office (ORI) supports the University's research groups by enabling their research and increasing knowledge transfer and technological innovation

The university chairs at Ramon Llull University can follow two models of organization: the chairs that are created through an agreement for innovation between the University and an external entity, and the specialized chairs created by the institutions of the URL to promote specific aspects of innovation in research and teaching.

The Research and Innovation Office is a unit within the Rector’s Office at Ramon Llull University. The aim of this office is to support researchers and facilitate their access to grants and support programmes for research, knowledge transferral and innovation.