PhD programmes
IQS School of Engineering
PhD programmes
IQS School of Management
PhD programmes
Interuniversity: URL, U. Deusto and U. Pontificia Comillas. Coordinated by: U. Pontificia Comillas
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
PhD programmes
Interuniversity: URL, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) i Nottingham Trent University (NTU)
Taught entirely in English
In collaboration with Blanquerna School of Health Science-URL and Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work-URL
Taught in Catalan and Spanish
Interuniversity: UB, UAB, UdG and URL. Coordinated by: UB
Blanquerna School of Health Science
PhD programmes
In collaboration with Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences-URL and Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work-URL
Taught in Catalan and Spanish
Interuniversity: URL, U. Deusto and U. Pontificia Comillas. Coordinated by: URL
In collaboration with Borja Institute of Bioethics
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
PhD programmes
La Salle Digital Engineering School
PhD programmes
In collaboration with La Salle-URL and Ebro Observatory University Institute-URL
Taught in Catalan, Spanish and English
La Salle International School of Commerce and Digital Economy
PhD programmes
In collaboration with La Salle-URL and Ebro Observatory University Institute-URL
Taught in Catalan, Spanish and English
La Salle School of Architecture
PhD programmes
In collaboration with La Salle-URL and Ebro Observatory University Institute-URL
Taught in Catalan, Spanish and English
La Salle Faculty of Philosophy
PhD programmes
Interuniversity: URL and U. Pontificia Comillas. Coordinated by: U. Pontificia Comillas
Esade Business School
PhD programmes
Esade Law School
PhD programmes
Interuniversity: URL, U. Deusto and U. Pontificia Comillas. Coordinated by: U. Pontificia Comillas
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work (in collaboration with Blanquerna)
PhD programmes
In collaboration with Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences-URL and Blanquerna Faculty of Health Sciences-URL
Taught in Catalan and Spanish
Ebro Observatory University Institute
PhD programmes
In collaboration with Ebro Observatory University Institute-URL and La Salle-URL
Taught in Catalan, Spanish and English
Borja Institute of Bioethics
PhD programmes
Interuniversity: URL, U. Deusto and U. Pontificia Comillas. Coordinated by: URL
In collaboration with Blanquerna School of Health Science-URL