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PhD programmes

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IQS School of Engineering

PhD programmes

Taught mostly in English

Engineering and Architecture

IQS School of Management

PhD programmes

Interuniversity: URL, U. Deusto and U. Pontificia Comillas. Coordinated by: U. Pontificia Comillas

Social and Legal Sciences

Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences

PhD programmes

Interuniversity: URL, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) i Nottingham Trent University (NTU)

Taught entirely in English

Social and Legal Sciences

In collaboration with Blanquerna School of Health Science-URL and Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work-URL

Taught in Catalan and Spanish

Social and Legal Sciences

Interuniversity: UB, UAB, UdG and URL. Coordinated by: UB

Social and Legal Sciences

Taught in Catalan and Spanish

Social and Legal Sciences

Blanquerna School of Health Science

PhD programmes

In collaboration with Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences-URL and Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work-URL

Taught in Catalan and Spanish

Social and Legal Sciences

Interuniversity: URL, U. Deusto and U. Pontificia Comillas. Coordinated by: URL

In collaboration with Borja Institute of Bioethics

Health Sciences

Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations

PhD programmes

Taught in Catalan, Spanish and English

Social and Legal Sciences

La Salle Digital Engineering School

PhD programmes

In collaboration with La Salle-URL and Ebro Observatory University Institute-URL

Taught in Catalan, Spanish and English

Engineering and Architecture

La Salle International School of Commerce and Digital Economy

PhD programmes

In collaboration with La Salle-URL and Ebro Observatory University Institute-URL

Taught in Catalan, Spanish and English

Engineering and Architecture

La Salle School of Architecture

PhD programmes

In collaboration with La Salle-URL and Ebro Observatory University Institute-URL

Taught in Catalan, Spanish and English

Engineering and Architecture

La Salle Faculty of Philosophy

PhD programmes

Interuniversity: URL and U. Pontificia Comillas. Coordinated by: U. Pontificia Comillas

Arts and Humanities

Esade Business School

PhD programmes

Social and Legal Sciences

Esade Law School

PhD programmes

Interuniversity: URL, U. Deusto and U. Pontificia Comillas. Coordinated by: U. Pontificia Comillas

Social and Legal Sciences

Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work (in collaboration with Blanquerna)

PhD programmes

In collaboration with Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences-URL and Blanquerna Faculty of Health Sciences-URL

Taught in Catalan and Spanish

Social and Legal Sciences

Ebro Observatory University Institute

PhD programmes

In collaboration with Ebro Observatory University Institute-URL and La Salle-URL

Taught in Catalan, Spanish and English

Engineering and Architecture

Borja Institute of Bioethics

PhD programmes

Interuniversity: URL, U. Deusto and U. Pontificia Comillas. Coordinated by: URL

In collaboration with Blanquerna School of Health Science-URL

Health Sciences