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Inquiries, complaints and suggestions

Ramon Llull University offers you different contact channels depending on your query, complaint or suggestion

Document Archive

The Document Archive of the URL has the function of guarding and preserving the administrative documents generated by the different units that make up the University and making possible the consultation of this documentary, administrative and historical material to those who request it.

Ethics Channel

A secure, confidential and bidirectional communication channel that allows the reception and management of complaints to the University in relation to possible infractions or allegedly irregular behavior detected in the work or professional environment.

Language rights

The Language Service of the URL aims to contribute to the linguistic normalization of Catalan at the university within the framework of the multilingualism of the European Higher Education Area. You can send us incidences or complaints related to linguistic rights at the URL.

Anti-Fraud measures plan

URL is committed to maintaining a high level of legal, ethical and moral standards and to adopting the principles of integrity, impartiality and honesty, and intends to demonstrate its opposition to fraud and corruption in the exercise of its functions. If you are aware of any irregular conduct or any act contrary to the URL-Foundation's Anti-Fraud Measures Plan, please let us know.


You can address the Sindicatura de Greuges of the URL to formulate your complaints and observations, as long as you are a member of the university community of the URL. Personal data and other information received by the Síndic de Greuges are strictly confidential and only the information considered necessary for its processing will be used.

Equality Unit | Anti-harassment Protocol

According to the Protocol for prevention, detection and action against sexual harassment, harassment based on sex, sexual orientation or gender expression at the Ramon Llull University, you can file a complaint or denunciation at the Gender Equality Unit of the Rectorate's General Services.