Cooperation and volunteerism
Ramon Llull University encourages cooperation and volunteerism through classes and programmes taught at its different centres as well as through professional internships in cooperation projects for development in Latin American and African countries. It also promotes cooperation and volunteerism actions through the iniciatives and projects of its institutions
IQS Chair of Ethics and Christian Thought
From the Chair of Ethics and Christian Thought, IQS-URL is in permanent contact with some institutions of the Social Sector of the Society of Jesus in Catalonia. Through this program, students from IQS-URL faculties collaborate with organizations such as Migra Studium, La Salut Alta, La Vinya as well as with the "Rossinyol" program of the Solidarity Service. In addition, through the corporate volunteerism program, IQS-URL professors and employees collaborate with the Assís center.
Contact: Oriol Quintana
More information: Chair's website
Blanquerna Solidarity Action
The Solidarity Action project is a supplement to the professional training and/or occupation, which responds to the educational of Blanquerna-URL: Solidarity, freedom-responsibility, human dignity, and will to serve.
Solidarity and the struggle for human dignity are values that identify us. Solidarity Action is a volunteer program that our students can join to participate in projects in the Third and Fourth World.
This space proposes to turn free time into time available for solidarity actions from each professional field. University research groups are also promoted, membership in one-off solidarity campaigns and training days are organized.
Lluís Costa, Blanquerna School of Health Science-URL ( | 93 253 32 56)
Sandra Balsells, Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations-URL ( | 93 253 31 08)
More information: Blanquerna's website
The Urubamba project was born from the relationship between La Salle Urubamba and La Salle Campus Barcelona, as an International Cooperation project that receives the support of UNESCO.
La Salle Urubamba is a public school in Peru located in the region of Cusco, managed by La Salle. We work to promote the rural villages located between 2,800 and 4,000 meters above sea level. The main problems in the area, in addition to its poverty, is that most inhabitants of the area speak Quechua and little or no Spanish.
Contact: Xavier Canaleta
More information: La Salle's website

Esade SUD
Esade SUD is the university's community outreach service for the promotion of global justice. It offers the Esade-URL community different programs to collaborate with organizations and initiatives that, through observation, reflection and action, aim to promote the fair development of people and the environment, watching over the common cause.
Contact: Jaume Maranges
More information: Esade's website

Pere Tarrés Foundation approaches its solidarity projects from the professional preparation of social educators and social workers through the Faculty of Social Education and Social Work Pere Tarrés-URL. All practices are developed in contexts of social vulnerability, personal, economic, ... either in the third and fourth world or in situations such as battered women, children who must be removed from their families, juvenile justice, the elderly, immigration, etc.
More information: Pere Tarrés Foundation's website
UNESCO-URL Chair in Education, Development and Technology
Created in 2001 with the aim of fomenting an integral research, education and knowledge transferral system in the education, science and technology fields between URL centres and universities in developing countries.
More information
Deadline for submission of nominations: March 30, 2025, at 11:59 pm.
Catalan version
URL has signed an agreement with Càritas Diocesana de Barcelona since April 2014 which aims to promote through the URL the knowledge of the social reality, actions and campaigns carried out by Caritas among the students of the University through actions such as awareness conferences, exhibitions, training sessions, forums, good practices tables, etc. Also, through this agreement the URL is committed to facilitate the dissemination of joint projects, promote awareness of the activities and facilitate the free use of different spaces for the development of these activities.
URL has signed an agreement with Mans Unides since October 2018 which aims at cultural, educational and scientific collaboration as well as mutual assistance between both entities. This collaboration may be carried out through the joint realization of awareness-raising, educational, editorial and scientific activities, the realization of curricular or extra-curricular internships in the premises of Manos Unidas, the establishment of contracts on the provision of services of mutual interest, the promotion of collaboration in the field of research and the dissemination of these collaborations.