International relations and students office
The International Relations and Students Office is the unit within Ramon Llull University Rector’s Office in charge of internationalising the university by managing student, faculty and staff mobility and coordinating matters of interest for students. This Office’s contact information is as follows:

Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students
Ms. Àngels Cabau Ferreres
Head of the International relations and students area
Vice-Rectorate for International Relations and Students
93 602 22 04
Ms. Laura López Villanueva
International Relations Consultant
Vice-Rectorate for International Relations and Students
93 602 22 31
Ms. Maite Sala Rodríguez
International Relations Consultant
Vice-Rectorate for International Relations and Students
93 602 22 27
Ms. Duna Cunillera Lahosa
International Relations Consultant
Vice-Rectorate for International Relations and Students
936 022 244
International relations offices of URL centers