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Ramon Llull University (URL) considers responsible research aimed at addressing social challenges and the commitment to conducting high-quality research that serves the well-being of individuals as one of the key pillars of its Strategic Framework.

This commitment is structured around three fundamental pillars that define research at URL:

  1. Strengthening URL’s Commitment to Research
    Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) are intrinsic pillars of the University. Their purpose is to contribute to scientific advancement while transferring this new knowledge to society—whether through student education, knowledge transfer to companies and other organisations, or public dissemination.
  2. Enhancing the Quality and Quantity of Research
    Research activity at URL has experienced significant growth in recent years. The promotion and support of faculty research activities help position URL at the level it deserves within both the national and international university systems.
  3. Increasing the Impact of Research
    This includes transferring knowledge to the productive sector, consolidating innovation, fostering entrepreneurship, and expanding the dissemination of research. Ultimately, the goal is for research to contribute to the well-being of society.

Given its federal nature, URL develops a global research strategy through the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Innovation, which is implemented by each federated institution through their respective Strategic Research Plans, according to their specific fields of knowledge.

Through strategic alliances with other prestigious institutions, URL promotes faculty collaboration in research projects—whether at the national level through Aristos Campus Mundus, or at the international level through the Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities and ENGAGE.EU.

Explore the research activities of the URL community on the Ramon Llull University Research Portal (MERIT).

"Programa Investigo" for hiring young job applicants to carry out research and innovation initiatives

The Ramon Llull University is a beneficiary of the "Programa Investigo", both at state and national level, for the recruitment of young people looking for employment to carry out research and innovation initiatives.





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