Born in Spezzano Albanese, Italy (1956). He holds a Bachelor degree in Economics and Commerce by Messina University (Italy), an MBA by Esade-URL and a PhD in Economics and Business Sciences by Comillas Pontificia University, ICADE-ICAI (Madrid). He also followed the Executive Program in Management at University of California at Los Angeles UCLA (USA) and the Strategic Marketing Management Program at Harvard University, Boston (USA). He is currently Full Professor of Marketing at Esade-URL (Barcelona, Spain), where he works since 1986 and where he has held various top positions, particularly in the area of international affairs. He is member of the Esade International Advisory Board. Since January 2013 he is part of the URL Rector’s Team as Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students. Among other recognitions, in 2013 he received by the President of the Italian Republic the distinction of “Ufficiale dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia”, and in 2019 by the French Government the distinction of “Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques”. In 2018 he received the Doctorate Honoris Causa of the Córdoba Catholic University, Argentina.