This library began to take shape based on the manuscripts prepared by the monastery’s own scriptorium from its very foundation in the 11th century and, as well, thanks to orders, donations and acquisitions. Its collection suffered some losses, however, during the Napoleonic Wars when, in 1811, the monastery was destroyed. At the end of the 19th century and the start of the 20th, it would once more begin to grow tremendously. The collection was saved during the Spanish Civil War and, after the latter’s end, doubling the number of items until reaching today’s figure of 350,000 books, with 6,800 periodicals, 1,400 manuscripts, 400 incunabula, 18,000 engravings and 500 ancient maps. The library specialises in Human Sciences and Theology.
The library’s mission is to support reading and research for the Benedictine Monastery as well as support its study centres and Montserrat’s cultural activities. The library is also open to researchers and readers interested in History, Human Sciences and Theology. In addition, it aims to collaborate to make its collection available via new media to create spaces for dialogue and exchange with the contemporary world.