Digital Coffee: "Post-Covid cities and noise"
In the complicated situation that the Covid-19 pandemic has left us, the city is at the center of the debate and focus of discussion.
Due to the mobility restrictions because of the confinement of the population, we observe that cities spread peace and serenity in this period of time which are accompanied by a great reduction in air pollution and urban noise.
The city is cleaner, we breathe non-polluted air. The city has started the renaturization, which also coincides with one of the great challenges of the 21st century, to build healthier cities for the population.
In this digital meeting we will discuss with Eduard Puig Solé about the future of the cities and the impact of the pandemic on the population. He is a technician of the Service of Prevention and Control of Acoustic and Light Pollution of the Generalitat of Catalonia and a Professor of the Master in Architectural and Environmental Acoustics at La Salle-URL.
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Eduard Puig Solé, he is a telecommunications Engineer, with more than 20 years of experience in acoustics, especially in the field of environmental acoustics. After 11 years working in the private sector in the fields of engineering and acoustic consulting (LGAI Technological Center and Applus), he moved to the public sector (Department of Territory and Sustainability at the Generalitat of Catalonia), where he developed tools for managing noise pollution for the different administrations in charge, he has drawn up noise maps and action plans, trained, drafted regulations and technical guides for the measurement and evaluation of noise.
Lluís Font, Director of Executive Education at La Salle-URL and Executive MBA Coordinator, will speak with Eduard Puig about the future of the cities and the impact of the pandemic on the population.
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Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna-URL (c. Valldonzella, 12. Barcelona)