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Webinar "Post Covid leadership will be peaceful or it won't be at all"

Conferences and workshops
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Like the bad students who only study when there is an exam coming, we have needed the CoVID19 pandemic to force us to make the change in Leadership that had long been requesting to speak. We got the message this time.

The NEW LEADERSHIP will be peaceful or it won’t be at all. We have lived a fast-paced, stressed decade where organizing principles called for maximization and for continued growth. In this acceleration syndrome we have lost inner peace, interpersonal connection and love towards work. We have left the soul behind and created stressed and stressful organizations.

Our expert wants to propose an antidote: the CovidR4 Model (RELIEF, REDUCE, REUSE, REDISCOVER), inviting you to Slow Management, patient and compassionate. Reducing items in every way (agenda, strategic plans) and thus increase the intensity. Take a Veermer attitude. In short, rediscovering the leader as a peaceful and pacifying person. More compassionate, patient, connecting with people.

In this digital meeting, we will talk about how we are facing a great challenge today: organizing world affairs (family, society, organizations, economy, politics). A challenge that will require on our part a change in our habits, customs, ways of doing and being that will allow us to become better people. It is called Cultural Change in consulting, and there is no doubt that the current circumstances invite us to head towards a global transformation where shared values ​​are the priority. We need conscious and revolutionary leaders, capable of transforming individual potential into collective potential.

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GABRIEL GINEBRA, Business Thinker & Coach, lecturer and executive development expert. He is a founding partner of the Managing (in) Competence project. Gabriel is a leadership book writer, professor, senior consultant, and successful lecturer. His publications include “Gestión de Incompetentes” (Header Books, 2011) and “El japonés que estrelló el tren para ganar tiempo” (Conecta, 2012), which was chosen by Know Square as Best Company Book 2012 and La Salle Campus Barcelona collaborator.


Lluís Font, Director of the Executive Education de La Salle-URL and Coordinator of the Executive MBA, will talk with Gabriel Ginebra about Post Covid leadership.

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