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Alumni talks: "Challenges of Supply Chain. The logistics of a volatile demand"

Conferences and workshops
Start date


The weaknesses of any Supply Chain have been revealed over the past year. Continuing to operate during the restrictions imposed by the pandemic was ̶ and continues to be ̶ a challenge and, while some supply chains fail (due to shortages, stock-outs, or delays in deliveries), others manage to overcome them, maintaining a good service at all times thanks to an optimal organization.

During the pandemic, the increasingly high volatility of the markets was significantly increased and distorted by changes in consumer purchasing behaviors and in the social and economic environment on a local and global level.

Next May 26th, at 19h, we are looking forward to seeing you to discuss the Challenges of Supply Chain in La Salle-URL Alumni Talks, in which we will have as guest Raul Gonzalez, alumni of the Master in Supply Chain Management & Technology of La Salle-URL and assistant to Logistics Management at the company Les Punxes Distribuidora SL.

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