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Open Class online «The visual generation and brand-consumer engagement»

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The trend of visual search, along with the revolution of online communication and the exponential growth of social networks such as Instagram and Pinterest have created the rise of the generation called The Visual Generation, mostly made up of young people, who prioritize visual and audiovisual content above everything else.

The first impression always comes from what we see and can condition us both positively and negatively. In fact, more than 80% of consumer decisions are made through the eyes.

Why come to the Open Class?

  • You will learn about the use, evolution and key points of social networks whose protagonist is the imagePinterest and Instagram are constantly being updated, bringing new features and improving the existing ones; and the rate of users who start the buying process with a visual search is increasingly higher.

  • You will understand the relationship between the success of visual social networks and human psychology. Image-based social networks are emotional and give us the possibility to project and evoke feelings, moments, states and products in a more impactful way, thus generating bigger engagement between brand and consumer.

More information and registration

This Open Class is organized within the framework of the Master in Digital Marketing of La Salle-URL.

More information and registration at this link.

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Facultat d'Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés-URL (c. Santaló, 37. Barcelona)


Facultat d'Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés-URL (c. Santaló, 37. Barcelona)