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La Salle-URL participates in Sónar with a transdisciplinary research initiative and Digital Arts projects


At the festival you can see two interactive and post-internet art projects and a pioneering research proposal between the disciplines of acoustics and animation

Thursday, May 23, 2024. La Salle-URL presents at Sónar two interactive and post-internet art projects by students and professors of the Digital Arts Degree and a pioneering proposal for transdisciplinary research between the fields of acoustics and the animation.

Sónar is Barcelona's benchmark electronic, experimental and arts music festival and is held on June 13, 14 and 15. One of its aspects is Sónar+D, a space dedicated to showing the innovations that shape the future of the creative industries and a platform for collaboration, experimentation and the exploration of the latest trends in the digital cultureLa Salle-URL will be present in this space of the festival with three different projects.

Regarding the field of Digital Arts, Kala Badessich presents Efectos colaterales, an interactive sculpture that focuses on the search for fictions and responsible alternatives for migration in the city of Barcelona, addressing concepts such as ecology or earthly displacements. On the other hand, Andrea Naharro brings to Sónar+D No lugares digitales. Paisajes efímeros entre el mundo físico y el entorno digital, an investigation into 'digital non-places', digital landscapes modeled by interactions with software that allow the investigation of the division between the physical and the virtual world.

Finally, the Research area participates in the festival with AEDOS, a project born from the fusion of research in acoustic engineering and animation and digital arts, and proposes an installation in which 3D printed sculptures project , when interacting with the visiting public, a vocal generated in real time following the voice production mechanisms.

The projects presented by the campus are located in the Sónar+D Project Area, an exhibition area and testing ground open to all Sónar de Dia attendees, and a space where creative technology and the most innovative art meet with revolutionary research, visual effects generated by artificial intelligence and experimental video games. The presence of the campus at Sónar+D serves to highlight the research and knowledge transfer practiced at La Salle-URL.

More information

Gloria Maltas Pérez
Head of Corporate Communication
La Salle-URL
Tels. 93 290 24 00 | 616 940 559

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