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Carlo Gallucci, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students of Ramon Llull University, Doctor Honoris Causa from the Catholic University of Córdoba (Argentina)


Friday, July 6, 2018. On June 27, 2018, Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students of Ramon Llull University (URL) and Professor of Marketing at ESADE-URL, received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Catholic University of Córdoba, Argentina.

The award was granted to him beyond his career as an executive manager committed to the institutions of the Society of Jesus and his academic contribution to better management of them, for his testimony of life, fully consistent with his managerial, professional and academic responsibilities. Also for his selfless and permanent collaboration with the Catholic University of Córdoba, through the support of numerous academic initiatives that have contributed to the enrichment of the institution’s tasks.

The ceremony took place at the Centro de la Casa de Altos Estudios, the headquarters of the Catholic University of Córdoba (Argentina) and during the event Gallucci reflected on "Marketing, social responsibility and poverty" in which he set out his vision of the social function of this discipline, on the role of those who lead these processes in organisations and on academics thinking about a "more humane and responsible marketing".

For further information:
Carles Targa
Tel. (34) 93 602 22 06 / (34) 600 017 346

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