Statement from ESADE
Wednesday, May 9th, 2018.In relation to recent media reports, ESADE would like to note the following:
The current data protection legislation prevents us from providing information about any student or former student, except at that student’s request.
The undergraduate business programme offered by ESADE at the time had two cycles and a total duration of five years, and it allowed all graduates to obtain two degrees: a Bachelor in Business Administration (official degree issued by the URL) and a Master in Management (private degree issued by ESADE).
In the case mentioned in the media, all regulations on processes of admission to second-cycle programmes following completion of a diploma programme were followed, including the corresponding validations. Moreover, given the existence of well-documented similar cases, this practice cannot be considered unique at our institution.
The law envisages a special regime for the adaptation of studies – through tutoring and other measures – for those individuals included in the annual lists of elite athletes approved by the Spanish National Sports Council (CSD) and published in Spain’s Official State Journal (BOE.) In the case mentioned, this legal condition was maintained for the duration of the studies.
For further information:
Oriol Llop
ESADE Head of Communication
Tel. 93 495 20 99
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