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Ramon Llull University ranked 7th in Spain by U-Multirank


The University stands outs in the indicators linked to teaching and learning and contribution to regional development

Tuesday, June 4, 2019. The University stands out in the indicators linked to teaching and learning and contribution to regional development.

Ramon Llull University (URL) has been placed 7th in Spain according to the latest edition of the U-Multirank. This ranking, promoted by the European Commission, is a tool that evaluates the activity of universities in all its dimensions.

U-Multirank analyses more than 1,700 universities from 96 countries, 77 of which are Spanish. To do so, it evaluates these institutions on the basis of 36 indicators, which are grouped into 5 dimensions: 1) teaching and learning; 2) research; 3) knowledge transfer; 4) international orientation and 5) contribution to regional development.

The scores that institutions obtain in each indicator can be: (A) very good, (B) good, (C) on average, (D) below average and (E) weak. Of the 36 indicators analysed this year, Ramon Llull has obtained 9 "A", 11 "B", 4 "D" and 1 "E". Taking into account all these indicators, Ramon Llull is the 7th in the Spanish university system.

Ramon Llull achieves excellent results in teaching and learning and contributes to regional development

The University stands out in teaching and learning, where it gets all the indicators above the average of universities. This dimension takes into account the following 4 indicators: Graduation rate (GRADE), Graduation rate (MASTER), Graduation in normative time (GRADE) and Graduation in normative time (MASTER).

Likewise, Ramon Llull has also obtained very positive results in the dimension of contribution to regional development. In this case, of the 7 indicators evaluated in this dimension, 6 are positioned above average: Publications with regional companies, Bachelor graduates working in the region, Master graduates working in the region, Internship students in local companies, Percentage of publications with institutions in the region and Income from regional sources.

Different studies of the URL also participate in the U-Multirank

Apart from the global ranking of universities, U-Multirank also analyses the universities by subject areas. Each edition analyses specific subjects and this year's URL degrees evaluated were Computer Engineering (from La Salle-URL), Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Industrial Engineering (from IQS-URL).

Users can consult these rankings on the U-Multirank website and, in addition, they can also construct their own classifications according to their interests.

For further information:
Mireia Córcoles
Rankings Manager
Tel. 936 022 208