Ramon Llull University ranked 6th in Spain, according to CYD Ranking
URL stands out in International Orientation with all the indicators evaluated in the highest performance
In the specific ranking by subjects of knowledge, URL is ranked 1st in Social Work and 4th in Psychology in Catalonia
Tuesday, 12 May 2021. Ramon Llull University (URL) has been ranked 6th university with the highest performance in Spain and 3rd in Catalonia, according to CYD Ranking. The Ranking, which is promoted by Fundación CYD, has published its 8th edition.
It has ranked 77 higher education institutions which means the 89.5% of the 86 universities in the Spanish university system. In order to elaborate the Ranking, the institutions have been evaluated based on 37 indicators grouped in 6 dimensions: teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation, regional engagement and job placement.
URL achieves 24 (out of 37) indicators with highest performance, 7 medium-performance indicators and 5 low-performance.
Regarding the analysis of the dimensions, URL stands out in International Orientation and is at the top in this dimension, achieving the highest performance in all the indicators evaluated.
In the Teaching and Learning dimension, URL has obtained 6 (out of 9) indicators with highest performance: Graduation rate (Bachelor); Graduation rate (Master); Normative graduation rate (Bachelor); Normative graduation rate (Master); Performance rate (Bachelor) and Success rate (Bachelor).
Regarding the Research dimension, 5 indicators (out of 7) are in highest performance: External research funds (raised); Standardised impact of publications, Highly cited publications, Interdisciplinary publications and Open access publications.
Finally, in the Knowledge Transfer dimension, 4 indicators (out of 8) indicators are also above the university average, and in the Regional Engagement dimension, 2 of them (out of 4) have also a better performance than the universities average.
Apart from the institutional Ranking that evaluates the universities as a whole, CYD Ranking also presents subject rankings. These rankings rank universities according to the subject areas in which they offer degrees. In this edition, 2 of the subject areas of the URL have been ranked: Psychology and Social Work.
Particularly noteworthy are the results in Social Work, taught in the Faculty of Social Education and Social Work Pere Tarrés-URL, which is placed 1st Spain and stands out among others, in indicators such as: Practical credits/Clinical internships and Success rate (Degree) (Teaching and learning); Internships abroad, Mobility of students (Degree) (International Orientation) and Rate of permanent contracts (after 1 year) (Job placement).
With respect to Psychology, taught at the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences Blanquerna-URL, has achieved excellent results in the following indicators: Normative graduation rate (Bachelor and Master) and Performance rate (Bachelor and Master) (Teaching and learning); Interdisciplinary publications (Research); Foreign teaching staff, International publications, International research funds (International orientation). These results rank the Faculty 4th in the Spanish university system and 1st in Catalonia.
Berta Enrich
Rankings Manager
Tel. (34) 93 602 22 08
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