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La Salle-URL hosts the 8th EQUAA International Accreditation Forum


Friday, July 22, 2022. The Education Quality Acreditation Agency (EQUAA), one of the main international accreditation bodies in education, chose La Salle Campus Barcelona to host its annual meeting of Ibero-American leaders in higher education in a non-American country for the first time. The VIII International Forum of Accreditation of EQUAA, entitled 'Leadership towards the continuous improvement of education', took place in mid-June with the aim of reflecting on the future of higher education.

The meeting also served to put on the table issues such as the development of soft skills, the measurement and evaluation of the quality of the new educational models and, also, the possible alliances and international agreements of cooperation and internationalization between institutions that are part of EQUA. Among many others, participated Dr. Josep M. Piqué, director of Internationalization and Innovation at La Salle-URL and executive president of La Salle Technova, the innovation park that aims to develop the entrepreneurial spirit of La Salle-URL students; Dr. Josep Franch, Dean of ESADE Business School; Dr. Antonio de Araujo, rector of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation in Brazil and president of EQUAA; Dr. Jorge Talavera, rector of ESAN; and Mr. Manuel Ortiz, executive director of the Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Administración (CLADEA).

EQUAA Awards 2022

The 8th EQUAA International Forum also served to publicize the winning projects of the EQUAA Awards 2022, which recognize, at the international level, the best initiatives of higher education institutions. One of the winners was Juan Alberto Casas, director of LATAM Business Development at La Salle-URL, who won the prize in the internationalization section for his project 'Multinational Program in Business Transformation and Innovation', which includes five universities: La Salle-URL (Spain), Universidad de Monterrey - UDEM (Mexico), Universidad del Desarrollo - UDD (Chile), Universidad ESAN (Peru) and Universidad EAFIT(Colombia).

"I want to especially thank the five universities that have trusted, collaborated and have made the launch of this first joint program possible", explained Juan Alberto Casas about winning the award. During the meeting, the accreditation certificates for the institutions evaluated in the years 2021 and 2022 were also delivered.

More information

Gloria Maltas Pérez
Head of Corporate Communication
La Salle-URL
Tels. (34) 93 290 24 00 | (34) 616 940 559

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