AQU Catalunya begin a mass survey to gauge the satisfaction of recent graduates
More than 50,000 people who finished their university and artistic studies last year will receive the survey, which will serve to improve the degrees currently being taught. Participants will be entered into a prize draw for the latest generation iPhone.
Monday, December 2, 2024. Catalan universities and AQU Catalunya have launched a large-scale survey today to find out what recent graduates think about their studies at university. This campaign is part of the Recent Graduate Satisfaction Study and all students who have completed their Bachelor's and Master's degrees at Catalan universities and higher artistic education centres within the last year will receive a survey to evaluate various aspects of their degree programmes.
Sent to more than 50,000 people, the survey allows all participants to enter a prize draw for a latest generation iPhone, which is explained in the terms and conditions here.
This survey's main objective is to find out the students' experience of the university studies they have taken so that the centres can make improvements. In addition, the results will be published on the EUC Dades website so that future students have more information when choosing their degree programme.
The Recent Graduate Satisfaction Study was launched in 2015. Since then, more than 100,000 people have responded to the survey. You can find the results of previous editions and more information about the project on the AQU Catalunya website.
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