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The IQS-URL Master’s Degree in Industrial Business Management recognized in the Financial Times Ranking


Monday, September 9, 2024. For the first time, the IQS Master’s Degree in Industrial Business Management has been included in the 2024 Financial Times Masters in Management (MiM) Ranking, earning 77th place. With a clear professional approach, the programme is designed to offer graduates in scientific and technical disciplines specialized training that prepares them to take on leadership and management roles in industrial companies.

One of the most outstanding indicators in the ranking for the master’s degree is its 100% employability level in the three months following completion of the programme. By earning this master’s degree, students acquire a solid foundation of business knowledge backed by scientific and technological training, essential for working successfully in the industrial sector.

The prestigious Financial Times Masters in Management ranking is published annually and assesses master’s degree programmes that have graduated at least four classes. The analysis is based on 19 indicators, including career progress, international mobility, faculty qualifications, and the presence of international students and faculty in the programme.

The ranking is based on surveys intended for universities and graduates of management programmes from around the world who completed their studies three years ago. Of these data, alumni responses influence eight criteria that add up to 56% of the total weight of the ranking, while the remaining 11 criteria, calculated from information provided by the schools, account for 44% of the weight.

For more details, see the Financial Times Ranking – Master’s Degree in Industrial Business Management.

More information

Dr Marta Tena León
Head of Communication and Corporate Marketing
Tel. (34) 93 267 20 00

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