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Two researchers from La Salle-URL participate in a new edition of #100tífiques


The talks held on February 7 highlight the work of women scientists

Friday, February 9, 2024

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science makes visible and vindicates every 11th of February the work of female scientists in sectors such as teaching, research and business. As part of this day, since 2019 the #100tífiques initiative has been organizing activities and talks to inspire girls and boys and give them the opportunity to meet researchers and technologists from different environments.

In the sixth edition of the initiative, women scientists have once again traveled to educational centers throughout the Catalan territory with the aim of breaking the double glass ceiling that have girls and boys who live far from big cities: the stereotypes and the geographical distances of knowledge generating nuclei.

February 7 is the date chosen by #100tífiques to organize talks that this year have included 540 women scientists who, through their experience, have inspired more than 30,000 students from 454 schools. Two researchers from La Salle Barcelona – Universitat Ramon Llull have participated in this edition:

  • Rosa Maria Alsina, Director of Research at La Salle-URL, has given a talk to 6th grade students at Escola les Raiers de La Pobla de Segur on environmental acoustic analysis and the vocalizations of animals in farm to improve their well-being.
  • Míriam Calvo, researcher and professor at La Salle-URL, spoke with 1st year ESO students from the Institut Ègara de Terrassa about the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and particle physics experiments.

#100tífiques is a community of 700 volunteers who have spent six editions visiting more than 800 schools throughout the country. Every February 7, and simultaneously, these scientists from public centers and private companies share their professional experience with girls and boys to overcome stereotypes around science and technology.

The project was born with the aim of making visible and highlighting the relevance and strategic role of women in science and technology, while promoting a direct and reciprocal relationship between science and society. #100tífiques is organized by the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI) and the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) with the collaboration of the Departament d'Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

More information

Gloria Maltas Pérez
La Salle-URL Head of Corporate Communication
Tels. (34) 93 290 24 00 | 616 940 559