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Esade achieves carbon neutrality and reduces its emissions by 84%


Esade has achieved scope 1 and 2 carbon neutrality thanks to its strategy of reducing emissions, with particular emphasis on solar panels and green energy

Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Esade has made significant progress in its commitment to sustainability by achieving carbon neutrality in scope 1 and 2 emissions, and reducing its emissions by 84% compared to 2019. This achievement, verified by TÜV Rheinland and recorded by Spain’s Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge under the official Reduzco seal, demonstrates real progress in reducing Esade’s carbon footprint that outstrips the traditional offset approach.

“This milestone reveals that the education sector can co-lead the path towards a more environmentally responsible future. This not only has a positive impact on our institution, but also sends a clear message to society and the academic world about the urgent need for decarbonization,” said Cristina Giménez, professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management, and director of Mission and Impact at Esade. This achievement consolidates Esade as a benchmark in sustainability in the sphere of education and business, and increases the drive towards its aim of making a positive impact on both society and the planet.

Comprehensive strategy and actions undertaken

The carbon neutrality achieved by Esade is due to a comprehensive strategy that combines a significant reduction of emissions across all scopes with effective offset ventures. The main actions taken include the installation of solar panels on its campuses, the use of green energy, the modernization of equipment to make it more energy efficient, campaigns to raise awareness about responsible consumption, and the optimization of waste management systems to make them more sustainable.

Esade has also taken part in high-impact projects to offset its residual emissions, including particularly the Mijares Project for reforestation in Spain, the Cykel Project in Pará (Brazil) for the conservation of the native forest which benefits both the local fauna and the social development of the region, and the Voluntary Emissions Offset Program of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Thanks to this approach, Esade is now situated among the most advanced universities committed to sustainability, such as the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney), which became Net Zero in 2020, and Arizona State University, in the United States, which achieved neutrality in Scope 1 and 2 emissions in 2019.

Leadership in the education sector

But Esade’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond its operations. Recently, Esade joined AERO (Alliance for Environmental Responsibility in Business Schools), the first European network of business schools dedicated to decarbonization. This initiative, led by Vlerick Business School, brings together eight prestigious academic institutions that work together to achieve carbon neutrality, exchange good practices and promote sustainability in the education sector.

Esade’s participation in AERO reaffirms its commitment to training future business leaders aware of environmental impact. This decisive step bolsters its mission of fostering an academic landscape that promotes responsible leadership and developing innovative solutions to tackle global challenges.

With these actions, Esade consolidates itself as a world leader in educational sustainability and reaffirms its role in the fight against climate change.

More information

Mar González
Communications Unit
Tel. 93 495 20 99

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