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La Salle-URL promotes the CFI-Barcelona, ​​an initiative to strengthen research, innovation and international alliances


The new Center for Funding and Innovation (CFI-Barcelona) on campus seeks to redefine the dynamics of research and innovation by fostering global collaborations

Monday, January 20, 2025. La Salle-URL Campus Barcelona is promoting a new initiative for research and innovation through international alliances and collaborations. This is the Center for Funding and Innovation (CFI-Barcelona), a center designed to empower researchers, startups and collaborators and integrate research, innovation and expertise in financing, promoting collaboration between academia, industry and government.

Led by Rafael Popper, International Director of CFI-Barcelona, ​​and Rosa Ma. Alsina, Director of Research and Innovation at La Salle-URL, CFI-Barcelona is dedicated to advancing excellence in research and fostering the transformation of society. Its main mission is to support research groups, departments and La Salle Technova, La Salle-URL's innovation park, by mapping global funding opportunities, building international research networks, improving the quality and quantity of research proposals and knowledge transfer.

CFI-Barcelona is a meeting point for the campus ecosystem and, at the same time, a catalyst for global partnerships through the International Association of La Salle Universities (IALU). With a strong commitment to internationalization, CFI-Barcelona has already partnered with La Salle universities in Latin America to present joint proposals and plans to expand collaborations to other regions, such as Africa, Asia-Pacific and North America.

CFI-Barcelona's main strength lies in its ability to foster collaboration from the campus and through its innovation park, La Salle Technova, taking advantage of the uniqueness of the IoTiCAT and IASlab, the two spaces that centralize research and knowledge transfer at La Salle Campus Barcelona. La Salle-URL's solid research ecosystem provides the foundation to cement these efforts, with transdisciplinary groups addressing areas such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, sustainable architecture, and technology applied to education, among others.

More information

Cristofer Fernández Pérez
La Salle-URL Corporate Communication
Tel. 93 290 23 86

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