IQS Talent Observatory: a commitment to talent
Wednesday, 21 April 2021. The IQS Talent Observatory is an initiative that IQS-URL has launched with the aim of promoting student talent by encouraging active learning of soft skills. Led by Dr Mar Guitert, the Observatory implements a training plan and different activities that contribute to better preparing IQS-URL students, giving them the tools to overcome the challenges that continuously unfold in the ever-changing society in which we live.
The Talent Observatory is a technical unit that analyses the situations, trends, and transformations that are taking place on the labour market to anticipate companies' needs and requirements. To understand these trends, qualitative studies have been carried out based on in-depth interviews with human resources and talent managers from companies in the auditing, consulting, and biopharmaceutical sectors. The dynamic study features interviews that are currently being conducted with companies in the mass consumption sector to expand available information in different fields.
The companies that have participated in the study include: Accenture, Boston Consulting, Deloitte, E&Y, Everis, KPMG, PWC, AC Marca, Alcon, Almirall, Boehringer Ingelheim, Dermofarm, Eurofragance, Ferrer, Grifols, Grupo Uriach, I vascular, Isdin, Kymos, and Laboratoris Leti from the biopharmaceutical sector.
The results of the study aim to give a clear answer regarding what companies seek when selecting job candidates. Thus far, we can conclude that what they value the most are soft skills such as effort, motivation, enthusiasm, knowing how to work on a team, and flexibility.
Some of the companies we interviewed highlighted that young people are daring, bold, unafraid to give their opinion, and have a good academic background, yet they lack life experience. Similarly, impatience, knowing how to focus on the present, and the challenge of finding and retaining talent are points that could be improved for young future professionals.
As a result of this study, IQS-URL has launched two workshops to promote student talent and work on soft skills. These workshops have been designed for undergraduate and graduate students and aim to provide students with the tools they need to develop their skills on a personal level.
- Aimed at undergraduate students, Workshop 1 is entitled: Advanced Management. From the inside to the outside.
- Aimed at graduate students, Workshop 2 is entitled: Advanced Management II. Building my future through my past.
Thanks to these workshops, IQS-URL is promoting talent, the mastery of soft skills, and providing highly-valued learning experiences in the professional world.
More information
Marta Tena León
Head of Communication
Tel. 93 267 20 00
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