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Animation students win two prizes at the Animayo Gran Canaria Festival


The 'Beauty' project wins the Award for Best VFX from the international jury and for Best Artistic Direction from the national jury at one of the most prestigious festivals in the audiovisual sector

Monday, June 17, 2024. The short film Beauty, made by animation students from La Salle-URL, ​​has been awarded two prizes at the Animayo Festival Gran Canaria 2024: the Prize for Best Visual Effects in the 'International' section and the Prize for Best Artistic Direction in the section 'Animation with Ñ'.

The awardees are Aitana BeldaAroa CeldránCarmen CastreloCarla Martínez and Lewis Sánchez, and the short film was developed as part of the End of Degree Project carried out by the students of the Degree in Animation and VFX. This recognition is a great boost for a short film that has been presented at several festivals and that now culminates its career with the Animayo awards. This is one of the most important animation and audiovisual festivals in Spain and the only one with double qualification for the Oscar Awards, that is to say, it grants two direct passes to the pre-selection of candidates who will be eligible for the Arts Awards and Hollywood Cinematic Sciences.

Beauty is a short film about a deer running for its life in a flooded forest, and is directed by Aitana Belda and Aroa Celdrán. All members of the film's production graduated during the 2022-23 academic year on campus after presenting the film as a final degree project.

The Animayo recognition consolidates the trajectory of La Salle-URL in the field of animation and positions it as a leading university center in the training of animation and digital arts. In addition, it shows the great advances that are being made in this sector and the wide journey that still lies ahead. From the campus, work is done so that students are trained in global skills, something that helps them claim their abilities and their value in any geographical and cultural environment.

Animayo Gran Canaria, a reference festival in the field of animation

Animayo is the International Festival of Animation, Visual Effects and Video Games in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and together with the Goya Awards are the only two that qualify their winners for the Oscar Awards. This year, the festival has reached its 19th edition and has handed out up to 18 prizes and two special mentions which mean, on the one hand, the start of the race for the Oscars and, on the other, the beginning of the Animayo Itinerante , a tour that will take the festival through cities around the world.

For this edition of Animayo, the festival jury viewed 2,309 works of 2D and 3D animation, visual effects, experimental cinema, advertising pieces, animation spots, video clips, video game cinematics and virtual reality from from more than 80 countries. 257 were shortlisted, of which 59 have competed in the four Official Competition Sections: 'International', 'Animación con Ñ', 'Cinemática, videojuegos y comisionados', and 'Mi Primer Festival' (children-youths).

More information

Gloria Maltas Pérez
Head of Corporate Communication
La Salle-URL
Tels. (34) 93 290 24 00 | 616 940 559

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