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Transfer of knowledge support

Support offices

The URL schools and faculties have research support and knowledge transfer staff who can assist the teaching and research staff and research groups at the University. Support staff are simultaneously the contact point with the business and social sector and the point of entry for any requests or needs that society and industry may make to the URL.

On the one hand, the URL works to identify results obtained from research that could be appropriate for solving the challenges of society (the push model). On the other hand, efforts are made to build an open innovation environment, where companies or other external agents knock on the door of the university to jointly respond to their needs (the pull model).

The following transfer catalogue gathers together the relevant data of the contact persons for the transfer of knowledge and technology to the URL schools and faculties; it also presents some examples of implemented transfer projects.

In addition, the URL has a catalog of unique research facilities.

Collaborative research and transfer

Collaborative research is encouraged by the various institutions of the URL in several modalities:

  • Fostering joint research among research groups from different disciplines
  • Promoting research work with other universities
  • Strengthening the participation of the URL in various ACCIÓ clusters
  • Consolidating the work of the TECNIO accredited schools and faculties of the URL
  • Working through URL technology parks