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Chair of Religious Freedom and Conscience-URL

Promoted by the Blanquerna Foundation, within the framework of the Blanquerna Observatory of Communication, Religion and Culture, it is the first Chair of its kind in Catalonia.

Under the leadership of Dr Míriam Díez Bosch, Director of the Observatory and Vice-Dean of Research, Postgraduate Studies and International Relations at the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations-URL, this project aims to bring citizens closer to the recognition and scope of the fundamental right to religious freedom, as well as the principle of non-discrimination on religious grounds.

The main actions planned within the new Chair are focused both on research and on the dissemination and awareness of the aforementioned right. Thus, among other activities, a report on the subject will be published, an international congress will be held with experts in the field, a prize will be awarded for undergraduate and master's degree final projects on religious freedom, and training will be given in data verification on the subject. All of this will be carried out by a team made up of researchers from the various Blanquerna faculties.

The new Chair was born from a competitive call of the Directorate General of Religious Affairs of the Department of Justice of the Generalitat de Catalunya in which Blanquerna-URL participated and obtained a grant of 100,000 euros for the creation and operation of the Chair.