Committee for the Attention to Students with Specific Needs of Educational Support (NESE)
This Commission is responsible for analyzing and responding to the demands of students with disabilities and/or specific educational support needs who are pursuing bachelor's, master's or doctoral studies at our University. These responses are channeled through the centers or faculties in which the student is enrolled.
The committee’s functions are as follows:
- Make it easier for people who need specific attention or support due to their permanent or temporary disabilities to attend university.
- Act as liaison and communicate information received by the Observatory for Equal Opportunities (regarding scholarships, job insertion programmes, conferences, etc.) to the respective centres.
- Forward the different centres’ proposals, requests, doubts and suggestions to the Observatory for Equal Opportunities.
President of the Comittee

Documentation and publications
Detección de fortalezas y debilidades en el momento del acceso al mercado laboral español. Percepción de los universitarios y percepción de las empresas.
Grupo de investigación "Discapacidad y Calidad de Vida. Aspectos Educativos" de la FPCEE Blanquerna-URL con la colaboración de Fundación Universia (2010)
Government of Catalonia (2007)
Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (2007)
Blanquerna Foundation (2006)
Links of interest
Inclusion of people with disabilities, prevention of occupational risks and adapted sports
More information
Observatory for Equal Opportunities
c. Claravall, 1-3. 08022 Barcelona
Tel. (34) 936 022 204