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Gender Equality Comittee

This Commission is formed by a representative of each center integrated in the URL and ensures that equal opportunities between men and women in the University become a reality, through the development, implementation and monitoring of the Gender Equality Plan of the URL. It is in charge of promoting the University's equality policies.


The commission’s functions are as follows:

  • Participate in the elaboration of the IV Equal URL Opportunity Plan (Catalan version) and following-up on its measures and actions. Work is currently underway to develop the next Plan.
  • Serve as a link to share information between the different centres.
  • Forward the different centres’ proposals, requests, doubts and suggestions to the Observatory for Equal Opportunities.

President of the Comittee

Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Secretary General

Committee’s members

Dr. Francesc Alías Pujol
La Salle
Dr. Berta Aznar
Blanquerna Foundation
Ms. Andrea del Pozo Rodríguez
Rectorat URL
Head of Secretary General Area
Ms Beatriu Domènech
Ebro Observatory University Institute
Ms. Yolanda Felix
Esade Business School of Administration and Management & Esade School of Law
Dr. Daniela Freund
Mr. Dídac González
Blanquerna Foundation
Human Resources Manager
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Dr. Sònia Luengo Álvarez
La Salle
Ms. Jaione Mendizabal Marculeta
La Salle
Ms. Mercè Pedrola
Ms. Aida Peña Alonso
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Assistant director
Dr. Encarna Ruiz Molina
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Academic director
Ms. Àngels Sogas Perales
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Faculty representative


Andrea del Pozo
General Secretary
Ramon Llull University
Tel. (34) 936 022 245