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Dr. Lluís Comellas i Riera

Lluís Comellas Riera is the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of Ramon Llull University and Professor at IQS School of Engineering-URL, Barcelona, Spain. He is chemical engineer (1974) by IQS-URL and holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering (1978), by IQS-URL, Barcelona, Spain. Moreover, Lluís Comellas was dean of IQS School of Engineering-URL from 1998 to 2010. His teaching and research have focused on various aspects of analytical chemistry such as instrumental methods of analysis, food safety and environmental studies. In these areas he has published numerous scientific articles and he has directed and participated in several research and technology transfer projects with companies and public institutions. He is a member of several scientific and professional associations, such as the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ), the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Allied Techniques (SECyTA) and the Association of Chemists and Engineers of IQS (AIQS). He was a member of the URL Rector Team as Vice Rector for Research and Innovation (2010-2020).

URL Ombudsman (1 October 2020-present)

Dr. Rosa M. Boixareu Vilaplana

She holds a degree in Nursing from UNED-Sant Pau, a Master’s in Medical Anthropology from Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), and a PhD in Theology from Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya (specialising in the Bible). She served as Professor at the Blanquerna Faculty of Health Sciences (until 2010). From 2005 to 2013 she collaborated with Aula Salut Blanquerna (FCS) and she does currently with the Institut Superior de Ciències Religioses de Barcelona (ISCREB). She publishes habitually on Biblical topics and anthropology of health.

URL Ombudswoman (February 28th, 2012 to September 30th, 2020) 

Dr. Lluís M. Pugès i Cambra

He earned an undergraduate degree in Philosophy and Humanities from Universitat de Barcelona and a degree in Economics from Université Catholique de Louvain. He then earned a PhD in Social and Moral Sciences from Universitat de Roma. He served as Dean of Esade Business School, Director General of Esade and the promoter of numerous educational and business initiatives.

URL Ombudsman (October 7th, 2008 to October 2011)

Dr. Artur Juncosa Carbonell

In 1946, Dr. Juncosa joined the Society of Jesus. He earned an undergraduate degree in Philosophy and Theology and then a PhD in Philosophy. He served as Professor at IQS (1957-1962), Universitat de Barcelona (1959-1991), Professor of Ethics and Sociology at Universidad de Sevilla (1981-1983) and then Professor of Ethics and Sociology at Universitat de Barcelona (1983-1991). He served as Ombudsman at Universitat de Barcelona from 1993 to 1998. He was a founding member of the IEC’s Catalan Society of Philosophy, the Carles Cardó Study Centre, and the Jacques Maritain International Institute, amongst others.

URL Ombudsman (April 19th, 2004 to July 2008)