Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities

Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities (SACRU) is an international network of universities dedicated to research and teaching excellence, engagement and global collaboration informed by Catholic social teaching.
Is made up of the Australian Catholic University (Australia), Boston College (USA), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile), Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Sophia University (Japan), Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy) and Universitat Ramon Llull (Spain).
The Vision of SACRU is to become a leader network of catholic universities which supports leadership and education for the Common Good. Its Mission is to foster global cooperation amongst research-intensive catholic universities with the goal of advancing quality knowledge production and higher education for the Common Good.
Some of the main objectives of the alliance declared on its creation:
- Promote research, education and internationalization by inspired by the model of social Catholicism
- Promote and facilitate the collaboration of partners, especially in the fields of research and teaching.
- Facilitate mobility programmes between the communities of the partner universities.
- Identify and share good practices in management, evaluation of results or the design of professional careers, especially for researchers.
- Organise workshops, conferences and other types of events to establish collaborative links between the communities of the different institutions in the network.
- Identify and offer support to researchers at different stages of their professional career.
- URL faculty contribute to thinking about education for environmental sustainability within the framework of the SACRU alliance (15.11.2023)
- Research published on Artificial Intelligence in the framework of the SACRU Alliance (15.11.2023)
- Presented in Rome the research “More Women’s Leadership for a Better World” (10.03.2023)
- The Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities (SACRU) celebrates its launch day (18.12.2020)
- The Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities (SACRU) is formally constituted and the rector of the URL is chosen as its first president (09.07.2020)
- Barcelona Declaration of the Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities (SACRU) (04.11.2019)
SACRU Global Insights
This initiative consists of a reflection by expert professors and researchers from SACRU member universities in line with the United Nations International Days and the activities of these universities. This proposal is published monthly in the form of a virtual portfolio on the SACRU website and is disseminated in the media and on social networks.
- Global Day of Diplomacy for Peace (Abril, 2023)
Reflections for the International Day of Multilateralism
Written by Oscar Mateos, delegate of the Rector of the URL for the promotion of the 2030 Agenda - Safer Internet Day (January, 2023)
Ethics as a compass: reflections for the Safer Internet Day
Written by Xavier Vilasís, Full Professor at La Salle-URL Engineering Department - International Human Solidarity Day (December, 2022)
The University saved my life
Written by Isabel Vergara, Communication Director of the Pere Tarrés Foundation - COP27 UN Climate Change Conference (November, 2022)
Investing in clean energy technologies now to save the planet and achieve equality and peace: reflections on the eve of COP27
Written by Núria Llaverías, Climate Action Coordinator at IQS-URL - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (October, 2022)
The global response lies in expansive and brave welfare policies
Written by Paco López, Professor from Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work-URL - International Day of Peace (September, 2022)
There is no harmony in racism: SACRU message for the International Day of Peace
Written by Albert Caramés Boada, Associate Professor at the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations-URL - World Population Day (July, 2022)
World Population Day, people on the planet and inequalities grow
Written by Valeria Bello, Associate Professor at the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations-URL - World Food Safety Day (June, 2022)
SACRU reflections on World Food Safety Day
Written by Alícia Orta Ramírez, Blanquerna School of Health Science, and Xavier Ortiz Almirall, IQS - International Insight on Family (May, 2022)
Reflections on Family Migration
Written by Carlos Pérez-Testor and Anna Maria Vilaregut Puigdesens, Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences, Couples and Family Research Group.