Gold Medals
With the prior agreement of the Governing Board and with the approval of the Board of Trustees, Ramon Llull University may award the URL Gold Medal in order to reward those persons or institutions that have earned the University's thanks, by virtue of an extraordinary patronage action or a service of special relevance

Born in Santa Coloma de Farners (Girona) in 1913 and dying in Barcelona in 1996, he was both Bishop and Cardinal. He studied at the Seminari Conciliar de Barcelona seminary where he was ordained in 1939. He would later receive a PhD in Theology from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas and in Canonical Law from Pontificia Università Gregoriana in Rome. He later served as Professor of Theology at the Seminary, as well as serving as an official of Barcelona Bishopric’s Catholic Action and Barcelona Cathedral canon (1954). He participated in the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). In 1955 he was named Head Bishop of Ortosia di Fenicia, Auxiliary Bishop of Barcelona in 1964, Bishop of Girona in 1964 and Archbishop of Barcelona in 1971.
In 1973 he was ordained Cardinal and participated in the two conclaves of 1978. In 1981, Pope John Paul II named him a Member of the “Council of Cardinals to study the economic and organisational problems of the Holy See.” In 1990 he resigned as Archbishop of Barcelona due to his age. However, he had encouraged the creation of Universitat Ramon Llull since 1988 and served as its first President (1990-1994) and as URL’s Honorary President until his death in 1996. Amongst other works, he published, “The vote of chastity in sacred ordination” (1952), one of his PhD theses, and "The deaconship and ecclesiastic celibacy " (1964). In 1992 a collection of his work was published in his honour.
Awarded: October, 1st 1997

Dr. Ferrer was born in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) in 1918 and died in Sant Cugat del Vallès in 2007. He was a Jesuit who earned his undergraduate degree in Chemical Sciences at Universitat de Barcelona, and studied Humanities at Veruela (Zaragoza). He would earn another undergraduate degree in Ecclesiastic Philosophy in Barcelona (1947), a PhD in Sciences from Universidad de Madrid (1950) and another undergraduate degree in Theology in Dublin (1954). He was named Director of the Sarrià Chemical Institute (IQS) in 1957, serving years later as President of its Board of Trustees (1986-1998). He also served as Rector of Universidad de Deusto (Bilbao) from 1971-1975, Father Provincial for the Society of Jesus in Spain (1975-1981), Father Provincial for Tarragona (1984-1988) and Rector of the Borja Centre (Sant Cugat del Vallès).
From 1989 on he dedicated a good part of his work to the foundation of Universitat Ramon Llull, serving as URL Vice President for 8 years. He was also a Member of the National Commission of Residence Halls, Vice President of the Industrial Chemistry Society, National Council for Education, IFCU (International Federation of Catholic Universities), CER (Conference of European Rectors), and IAU (International Association of Universities). He was also awarded the Key to the City of Barcelona and the Father Eduardo Vitoria Medal.
Awarded: September, 29th 1999

He was born in Barcelona in 1936 and earned an undergraduate degree in Economics in Barcelona. He has worked as an entrepreneur and executive in a wide variety of industries. He served as President of the Círculo de Economía and as President of its foundation. He was also President of the Control Commission within the la Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona (“la Caixa”) bank, Member of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation’s Labour and Advisory Boards, and Member of many companies’ and institutions’ Management Boards.
He has always been linked to nautical sports, serving as President of the Catalan Swimming Federation and Vice President of the Spanish Swimming Federation. He currently serves as President of Barcelona’s Royal Nautical Club. He was as Member of the Universitat Ramon Llull Board of Trustees (1994-2001) and was one of the primary promoters of URL’s Rector’s Office and Board of Trustees.
Awarded: November, 14th 2001.

Dr. Gassiot Matas, a Chemist, was born in Barcelona in 1937. He completed his baccalaureate studies in Girona and earned a degree in Chemical Engineering from Sarrià Chemical Institute (IQS). He later obtained another undergraduate degree in Chemical Sciences from Universitat de Barcelona and a PhD from Universidad de Madrid. He taught Analytical Chemistry for more than 40 years at IQS where he also served as its Director (1985-1994) and today as Professor Emeritus. He served as URL Rector from 1994 to 2002. He has been a Member of the Barcelona Royal Academy of Arts and Science since 2003. He has published more than one-hundred articles on chromatography and its applications in the organic analysis field. In 1973 he was granted the Research Award from the Fundación Vicente de Mendieta y Lambarri de Delica Arrastaria (Álava, Spain). In 1978 he received the Tswuett Medal from the Soviet Union’s Chromatography Committee. In 1985 he received the Hewlett-Packard Spain Award for “Liquid Chromatography.” In 1993 he was awarded the Narcís Monturiol Medal for Scientific and Technological Merit by the Government of Catalonia and then the Jaume Vicens Vives Distinction in 2008 from the regional government for the quality of his teaching. He also served as President of the European Federation of Catholic Universities (FUCE).
Awarded: October, 6th 2003
In November 2013 he joined the Honorary Committee of the URL

Born in Barcelona in 1934, this philosopher and priest earned a degree in Psychology from Universitat Complutense de Madrid (1964), Theology from the University of Innsbruck (1966) and a PhD in Philosophy from Universitat de Barcelona (1988). He has been a member of the Society of Jesus since 1953 and was ordained in 1965. He is one of the most distinguished personalist Catalan thinkers, serving today as Professor Emeritus at Universitat Ramon Llull. At URL he has taught classes such as Metaphysics, Personalist Anthropology, Philosophical Statutes and methodologies, as well as numerous courses at the PhD level.
He is also a Professor at the Theology School of Catalonia (Institut de Teologia Fonamental in Sant Cugat del Vallès). He presided over the first team at the URL Rector’s Office (1991-1994) and served as Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy (1989-1998). Dr. Coll was also President of the Miquel Coll i Alentorn Institute of Humanist Studies (1996-2007) and currently presides its Advisory Council. He is also a Member of the Catalan Society of Philosophy (Institut d'Estudis Catalans), the Instituto Internazionale Jacques Maritain in Rome and the Advisory Council for the Fundació Joan Maragall, Cristianisme i Cultura.
Awarded: October, 6th 2003

Dr. Fornesa i Ribó was born in 1931 and dying in Barcelona in 2014. He was an attorney and a business manager. In 1948 he earned his degree in Law at the Universitat de Barcelona and in Business Administration from the Escola Superior de Comerç de Barcelona. He served as Public Prosecutor from 1957 to 1975. In 1977 he was named the Secretary General and Senior Legal Representative of la Caixa d'Estalvis i Mont de Pietat de Barcelona (“la Caixa” bank) and, in 1979 was elected Executive President of Societat General d'Aigües de Barcelona, a post he held until 2006. In 1990 he was also named Executive Deputy General Director of “la Caixa” and President in 2003, a post he abandoned in 2008 to assume the Presidency of Criteria Caixa Corp. Between 2003 and 2005 he was also President of the real estate firm, Immobiliària Colonial.
He was also President of “la Caixa” Foundation and the Catalan Federation of Savings Banks until June 2007. He was President of the URL Board of Trustees from 2001 to 2004, member of the Board from 2001 to 2013 and member of the URL Committee of Honour from 2013. He was also a Member of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences and the Círculo de Economía association. He has received numerous distinctions, including the Gold Medal from the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, the Gold Medal from the Ordre National du Mérite (France) and the Saint George’s Cross (Government of Catalonia). He was also a Member of the Board of Trustees of various cultural organisations, including Fundación Carolina, Fundació MACBA and Fundación Albéniz.
Awarded: September, 30th 2004

He was born in Moià in 1960 and lives in Barcelona; he is married with two sons. He has a degree in Mathematics, specialized in Mathematical Statistics, and in Philosophy and Educational Sciences, specialized in Theory and History of Education. Ph. D. in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. He is currently Professor of Psychology and Education, Head of the Department of Psychology and Principal Investigator of the Research Group "Psychology, Person and Context". He held different administrative positions since 1988 to now, including head of studies and director of the Blanquerna School of Teacher Education, the first dean of the Blanquerna FPCEE, first general secretary of Ramon University Llull and academic vice-rector.
He was visiting scholar at several American universities: Ohio University, Case-Western-Reserve University, and Columbia University. He has researched in the fields of Higher Education and Integral Education, expressed in more than 70 articles in scientific journals, more than 150 books, book chapters or other publications. He has supervised 24 doctoral theses and is a member of various scientific societies and international editorial boards. He has positively evaluated five avenues of research. He has lectured in different countries, including the "Laudatio" in the award of the URL Doctorate Honoris Causa to Howard Gardner. He contributes to diverse media. He obtained various recognitions as the award "First Graduated" of Blanquerna. In 1998, he received the Eisenhower Fellowship from the Eisenhower Fellowships Foundation of Philadelphia to visit and study some of the more prestigious research universities from United States.
Awarded with the Gold Medal: September, 27th 2006

Dr. Lagos was born in Santiago (Chile) in 1938 and holds an undergraduate degree in Law from Universidad de Chile and a PhD in Economics from Duke University (North Carolina, US). He has served as Professor at the Universidad de Chile, Visiting Professor at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, Former William R. Kenan Chair for Latin American Studies, Director of UNC’s School of Political and Administrative Science, Director of the Economics Institute and Secretary General of said university, and as Secretary General of the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. During the 1980s he played a key role in the fight to reinstate democracy in Chile.
From 1990 to 1992, after the return to democracy, he was named Minister of Education. He encouraged an important reform during his term, focusing primarily on creating equal opportunities to access education while raising the latter’s quality. Between 1994 and 1998, during the Second Concentration Government, he was named Minister of Public Works. In 2000 he became President of Chile, leaving his unique mark on how this role should be fulfilled: Work in the field, proximity to the country’s people and an open-door policy. He served as President until 2006. He has published an extensive variety of work throughout his career.
Awarded: October, 24th 2006

Born in Barcelona in 1927, Joan Ros Petit was an influential merchant, economist and chartered accountant. He began his professional activity in 1946. Until now, he was a member of the company bearing his name and President of Uniaudit JRP, as well as of other business institutions. He was a member of the Fundació de Gestió Sanitària de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau Board of Trustees, as well as other healthcare institutions. He was strongly committed to civil society. As a founding Trustee of Universitat Ramon Llull, he has always demonstrated his generosity and availability to collaborate with the university. Among the distinctions he has received, we can highlight the title of Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great, awarded by the Holy Father Benedict XVI in 2007 and the Gold Medal of the URL, awarded on 10 May 2011 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the recognition of our University.
Awarded: May, 10th 2011

Born in Barcelona, he received an undergraduate degree in Law with honours from Universitat de Barcelona in 1949. He earned his PhD in Law in 1959. Currently, he serves as a Numerary Member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation, the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences and the Royal Academy of Doctors, amongst others. He has been distinguished with the Saint Raymond of Penyafort Cross of Honour and the Saint George’s Cross from the Government of Catalonia. He is an extraordinarily friendly person who also transmits his overwhelming legal knowledge while being a wonderful professor. So much so, that he once taught a master class on Catalan Civil Law to King Juan Carlos I.
Awarded with the Gold Medal: May, 10th 2011

Though born in Barcelona, he has close family and professional ties with several Latin American countries, especially Puerto Rico and Mexico, providing him a broad and open cultural view. He studied Law at Universitat de Barcelona where he received honours. This man of action, great sensitivity and exquisite education has shared his professional knowledge at ESADE for many years. Committed and enterprising from civil society, he has served as President of Barcelona’s Círculo de Economía from 1975 to 1978, Co-Founder of Centre Català in 1979 and President of Cercle del Liceu from 1992 to 2000. He was a Founding Member of Universitat Ramon Llull, and currently serves as President of the Fundació Cercle d’Economia Board of Trustees and as a Member of the URL Board of Trustees since its foundation.
Awarded: May, 10th 2011

He holds an undergraduate degree in Theology from Barcelona and in Comparative Education for the University of Chicago. He has been the Society of Jesus’ Father Provincial for Catalonia since 2008, and he is a clear example of Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s “in all things to serve and love.” For four years he served as Delegate for Education in Catalonia and launched the Jesuïtes Educació Foundation. He is a person of ample perspectives, with initiative, creativity and the ability to listen. His service vocation was born in 1969 on a trip to Tunisia, leading him to dedicate himself entirely to humanitarian aid and development cooperation. After spending five years in Chad, he founded and led the NGO, Intermón-Oxfam, for fourteen years.
Awarded: May, 10th 2011

Dr. Martí i Roca was born in Tarragona and earned an undergraduate degree in Physics from Universitat de Barcelona, a teaching certificate from the same university, a degree in Religious Sciences from the Instituto San Pío X (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca) and a PhD from Universitat de València. He currently serves as Professor at Universitat Ramon Llull where he also carried out remarkable work as the first Vice-Rector for Research and Technology Transferal. He also served as President of the Acoustic and Electro-acoustic Control Committee of the Barcelona Olympic Games (1992) and Director of the URL – La Salle Department of Acoustics and Programme Director. He has served as Senior Researcher for numerous projects in the science and technology areas and has directed numerous PhD theses and technology transferral projects. He is affable and easy to approach, and knows how to encourage and motivate a vocation for research amongst his students. From 2002 to 2010 he served as Father Provincial for La Salle in Catalonia.
On May 10, 2011 he was awarded the URL Gold Medal.
In November 2019 he joined the Honorary Committee of the URL.

Born in Barcelona, his life has been spent between Barcelona and Rome. He was ordained in 1964 and earned a PhD in Theology from Pontificia Università Gregoriana in Roma. Salvador Pié has developed a profound academic task as professor of Fundamental Theology and Ecclesiology at the Faculty of Theology of Catalonia and at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Co-founder and general consiliary of MUEC, he was president of the Religious Services of the Barcelona Olympic Games, member of the Scientific Committee of the Congress on the Second Vatican Council (1995-2000) and expert appointed by the Pope of the Synod of Bishops on "The Word of God in the life and mission of the Church" (2008). He has been president of the Blanquerna Foundation from 1981 until 2022 and founding member of the Ramon Llull University (1989), of which he has been secretary until 2022. Since 2013 he has been rector of the Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar. Among his numerous publications are: Diccionario de Teología fundamental (2010), Eclesiología (2015), La Teología fundamental (2017) and Teología fundamental (2017).
On May 10, 2011 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Ramon Llull University.
In November 2022 he joined the Honorary Committee of the Ramon Llull University.

He holds a PhD in Civil and Canonical Law and is considered a brilliant and rigorous legal expert with an eye for even the smallest detail. He was ordained in 1961, a moment which would represent the beginning of a long career dedicated to the Catholic Church, culminating in 2007 when Pope Benedict XVI named him Cardinal. Previously, as Auxiliary Bishop of Barcelona, he worked closely with then Cardinal Narcís Jubany. Currently the Archbishop of Barcelona, he has maintained his commitment to the Barcelona Diocese and the university. The Barcelona Diocese’s commitment to universities has a long history: In the 20th and 21st century this commitment has been maintained through, amongst others, Fundació Blanquerna, Fundació Pere Tarrés and the Faculty of Philosophy, all of which are institutions within Universitat Ramon Llull. Cardinal Martínez Sistach has also played a key role as Judge in the Third Ecclesiastic Court of Barcelona and Vicar General of Barcelona.
Awarded: May, 10th 2011

Llicenciada en Dret per la UB (1971), doctorada en Dret (1978) i diplomada en Psicologia Aplicada (1976) per la UB. Ha estat rectora de la Universitat Ramon Llull (2002-2012), vocal del Consejo General del Poder Judicial (1996-2001), cap de Relacions Institucionals del Departament de Justícia de la Generalitat (1995-1996), sotsdirectora de l’Institut de Criminologia de la UB (1993-1996), membre del Comité Científic de Política Criminal del Consell d’Europa (1993-1997) i directora general del Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada del Departament de Justícia de la Generalitat (1983-1993). Va exercir com a professora de Dret Penal a la Facultat de Dret Esade-URL (catedràtica des de 1996) i actualment és directora de la Càtedra de Justícia Social i Restaurativa de la Facultat d’Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés-URL. També és membre assessora de diversos consells, d’entre els quals destaca el consell d’administració del Banco Santander, el d’Endesa Catalunya, el Board de la European University Association o del diari ARA. És autora de diversos llibres, entre ells “Dones a la Universitat. Cent anys de prohibicions” (2010), “Justicia de Menores: una justicia mayor” (2002) i “Introducció al Dret Penitenciari. Teoria i pràctica” (1992). Des del 2022, és també Síndica de Greuges de Catalunya.
Ha rebut, entre d'altres guardons, la Medalla d'Or del Instituto Vasco de Criminología (2000), la Medalla d'or Cesare Beccaria de la Neue Kriminologische Gelleschaft (1999), la Gran Cruz de la Orden de Sant Raimon de Penyafort (2002) i el premi Internacional de Victimologia (2007). És autora de nombrosos articles en llibres i revistes científiques nacionals i d’altres països i ha participat en multitud de conferències i tertúlies en tv i ràdio.
El 10 d'octubre de 2013 se li va concedir la Medalla d'Or de la URL.
El novembre de 2013 es va incorporar al Comitè d'Honor de la URL.

Born in Barcelona (1935). Graduated in Law from the UB, between 1964 and 1974 he was part of the boards of directors of the Central Bank (Catalunya), the Banco Vitalicio de España and Ferrocarrils de Catalunya. From 1975 to 1978 he was vice president of Banco de Progreso and from 1988 to 2004, vice president of Banco Urquijo. In 1985 he was president of the Candidacy Committee of the Barcelona'92 “COOB ‘92” Olympics. Later, he founded and was the first president of the Instituto de la Empresa Familiar, where he held the position of honorary president. In the culture sector, he was founder and president of the Fundació Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, president of the Fundación Arte y Mecenazgo, patron and member of the Executive Commission of the Fundació Palau de la Música and the Fundació Gran Teatre del Liceu, honorary member of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, member of the International Board of Trustees and honorary member of the Prado Museum, patron of the Prince of Astúrias Foundation and the Príncep Foundation of Girona. At the international level, he was a member of the Chairman's Council and the International Council of the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOMA) in New York and of the National Committee of the Whitney Museum of American Art. He was also president of Havas Media, member of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of “la Caixa” and of the Boards of Directors of CaixaBank, Abertis, Prisa TV and Grupo Financiero INBURSA. President of the URL Board of Trustees, he also held the position of President of Mútua Asepeyo, Vice President of the Real Automòbil Club de Catalunya and member of the Board of Christie’s International Europe.
Awarded: October, 10th 2013

Nascut a Barcelona (1946). És enginyer tècnic industrial per l'EUITI de Terrassa (1968). Va cursar un màster MBA (Màster en Business Administration) a ESADE (1968-71) i va obtenir el Post Graduate Diploma a l'IESE (1976). Va ser professor d'ESADE durant 15 anys. Des de l’any 2008 és president d'Inmobiliaria Colonial i des de 2010 és president de la Société Foncière Lyonnaise. Anteriorment, va ser president de Panrico, director general del Grupo Mutua Madrileña, president de la Fundació ESADE, membre del Ple de la Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona i president de la Comissió de Política Econòmica. Ha estat investit doctor honoris causa in Economics per la Constantinian University de Providence, Rhode Islands (EUA) i Honorary Degree per ESERP de Barcelona. Així mateix, és professor honorari de la Societat Científica de Xile. Va ser president del Patronat de la URL (2012-2016).
El novembre de 2016 es va incorporar al Comitè d'Honor de la URL.
El 12 de gener de 2018 se li va concedir la Medalla d'Or de la URL.

Nascut a Barcelona (1943). És professor mercantil, diplomat en màrqueting per la Universitat de Roma i en Alta Direcció d’Empreses per l’IESE. Va ser director financer (1964) i director de màrqueting (1969) de l’agència de publicitat Tiempo. L’any 1972 va ser nomenat director comercial i de màrqueting de Fernando A. de Terry. El 1975 es va incorporar al Grup Godó com a director comercial de La Vanguardia i més tard va ser nomenat conseller delegat de Tele Exprés. Al 1978 va ser soci fundador i conseller delegat de Media Planning i l’any 1994 va passar a ser vicepresident executiu. Actualment és vicepresident d’Havas Media Group que engloba, entre d’altres, Havas Media, Arena Media, Havas Sports & Entertainment. Ha estat secretari general del Grup d’Acció Empresarial, president de la Fundació Espanyola del Cor, president d’IESE Alumni Association, vicepresident del Saló Nàutic Internacional de Barcelona, vicepresident del FC Barcelona, i actualment és membre de la Junta Directiva d’Sport Cultura Barcelona. Pel que fa a la seva vinculació amb la Universitat Ramon Llull, ha estat membre del seu Patronat (2012-2016) i president de la Càtedra Ethos Ramon Llull (2008-2016). Va ser president del Patronat de la URL (2016-2020).
El novembre de 2020 es va incorporar al Comitè d'Honor de la URL.
El 8 d'octubre de 2021 se li va concedir la Medalla d'Or de la URL.

Born in l'Espluga de Francolí, Conca de Barberà (1969). Dr. Josep M. Garrell is a computer engineer (UPC, 1992), doctor in electronics engineering (URL, 1995) and full professor of the URL at La Salle HTS of Electronics Engineering and IT. In 1992 he joined La Salle-URL, where he co-founded the Intelligent Systems Research Group and in 1994 he obtained a supercomputing grant from the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca at the Carnegie Mellon University Supercomputing Center in Pittsburgh (USA). From 1998 he assumed various responsibilities in the Rectorate of the URL: secretary of the Research Commission (1998-2002); delegate of the rector for ICT (2000-2002); vice-rector for Research and Innovation (2002-2010); secretary general (2006-2012), vice-rector for University Policy (2010-2012) and rector (2012-2022). From 2014 to 2018 he was a member of the Parliament's Advisory Council on Science and Technology (CAPCIT) representing private non-profit Catalan universities. In May 2015 the General Assembly of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) appointed him as a member of its Standing Committee and from 2020 to 2022 he was vice-president. In 2016-2019 he represented CRUE at the General Assembly and on the Council of the European University Association (EUA). In 2019 he was appointed to the EUA Board for a 4-year term and was the first president (July 2020-September 2022) of the Strategic Alliance of Catholic Universities (SACRU), a network formed by eight Catholic or Christian-inspired universities from around the world dedicated to excellence in research and teaching, engagement and global collaboration. In April 2023, he was elected President of the USA for a four-year term (2023-2027).
Since October 2022 he is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Ramon Llull University.
Awarded with the Gold Medal: October, 2nd 2023