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Ramon Llull University works in a cross-cutting way with all its institutions through commissions and work groups composed of representatives of each of the institutions

Academic secretaries Committee

President: Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín, Secretary General

Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Secretary General

Ms Marta Castañón del Olmo
Esade Business & Law School
Academic Secretary
Dr. Lluís Costa Tutusaus
Blanquerna Faculty of Health Science
Academic secretary
Ms. Andrea del Pozo Rodríguez
Rectorat URL
Head of Secretary General Area
Ms. Mayka Fernández López
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Mr. José Germán Solé
Ebro Observatory University Institute
Dr Marc Llinàs Folch
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Academic Secretary
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Dr. Jordi Margalef Marrugat
La Salle School of Architecture
Faculty representative
Ms. Aida Peña Alonso
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Assistant director
Dr. José Javier Molins Vara
General Secretary
Ms. Núria Monter
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Head of Secretary
Ms. Ada Requena Bou
Rector's Office
Degree Certificates and University Acces
Dr. Gisela Riberas Bargalló
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Vice-Dean of Academic Planning

Academic-Teaching Quality Committee

This group proposes, advises and supports the different projects, programmes and processes in the unit’s area of endeavour (tracking and assessment, innovation and studies) carried out from a micro focus (centre level) or macro level (the university as a whole).

President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Dr. Sònia Ballano Macías
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Ms. Anna Cervera Vila
Rector's Office
Head of the Academic Organization and Quality Office
Dr. Ignasi Cifre León
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Mr. Cristian Cifuentes Martín
URL Students Council
Ms. Anna Donés Mas
Esade Business & Law School
Ms Mònica Figueres Suñé
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Dr Sandra Ger Cabero
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Mr. Josep Antoni Gràcia i Cañadas
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Ms. Olga Linares Roger
Esade Business & Law School
Ms. Gemma López Rubio
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Ms. Marta Marcè Ibáñez
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Ms. Nuria Martín Rius
La Salle
Dr Òscar Mateos Martín
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Vice-Dean for Quality, Student Affairs/Alumni and Employability
Dr. Alfons Medina Cambrón
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Mr Marcel·lí Pérez
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated center)
Ms. Anna Pérez Milán
La Salle
Ms. Mª Graciela Quevedo Rosales
La Salle
Ms. Montserrat Ricart Martí
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Quality Technician
Dr. Xari Rovira Llobera
Esade Business & Law School
Ms. Queralt Simón Ibars
Dr Josep Mª Vila Rovira
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Dr. M. Dolors Zomeño Fajardo
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Faculty representative


It is a collegiate body created to comply with the legal mandate contained in Article 6 of the Law of Coexistence and its main purpose is to ensure peaceful coexistence at the Ramon Llull University.

President: Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín, Secretary General

Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Secretary General

Ms. Andrea Ballester Gríful
URL Students Council
Mr. Jaume Condal Domingo
URL Rector's Office
Research Consultant in Spanish and Competitive projects
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Ms. Aida Peña Alonso
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Assistant director
Mr. Carlos Duncan Vázquez Parra
Students Council

Committee for the Attention to Students with Specific Needs of Educational Support (NESE)

This Commission is responsible for analyzing and responding to the demands of students with disabilities and/or specific educational support needs who are pursuing bachelor's, master's or doctoral studies at our University. These responses are channeled through the centers or faculties in which the student is enrolled.

President: Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

Dr. Estefania Blanch Llosa
Ebro Observatory University Institute
Ms. Àngels Cabau Ferreres
Rector's Office
Head of the International relations and students area
Dr. Marta Camprodon Rosanas
Campus Life Manager
Ms. Mayka Fernández López
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Dr. Elizabeth Ferrándiz Arjona
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Dr. Òscar Martínez Rivera
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Dra. Myriam Ponsa Masana
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Mr. Cristian Rodríguez
Esade Business School of Administration and Management & Esade School of Law
Dra. Ingrid Sala Bars
Blanquerna Faculty of Psichology, Education Sciences and Sport
Ms. Anna Vidal
La Salle


This body coordinates and foments communication initiatives and promotes URL’s corporate image. It coordinates with the communications departments at all the federated institutions.

President: Dr. Josep Antoni Rom Rodríguez, rector

Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Dr. Josep Antoni Rom Rodríguez

Ms. Maria José Abella
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Ms. Anna Roig Llort
Blanquerna Foundation
Head of Communication and Institucional Relations
Dr. Santi Marsal Vinadé
Ebro Observatory-URL
Head of Press
Ms Rosa Mª Martín
Esade Business & Law School
Brand Manager & Corporate Events
Ms Maria José Martínez Rodríguez
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Head of Communication and Marketing
Ms. Jèssica Rius
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Communication consultant
Ms Beatriz Roig Colom
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Head of Communication
Mr. Carles Targa Tudón
Rector's Office
Head of Corporate Communication, Promotion and Protocol Office
Dr. Marta Tena León
Head of communications and corporate marketing
Ms. Maypi Torné Martínez
La Salle
Head of marketing and admissions

Data comission

President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Mr. Josep Lluís Deiros González
Blanquerna Foundation
Ms Jessica del Moral
Esade Business & Law School
Ms Mònica Figueres Suñé
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Ms Elisenda Folch
Esade Business & Law School
Ms Maica Linares
Blanquerna Foundation
Computer Analyst
Dr. Jordi Margalef Marrugat
La Salle School of Architecture
Faculty representative
Ms. Lara Marín Vinuesa
Rector's Office
Projects manager
Dr. Josep Mercadal Rotger
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Dr. José Javier Molins Vara
General Secretary
Ms. Núria Monter
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Head of Secretary
Mr. Eduard Ricou Roig
Rector's Office
Head of Digital University

Doctoral Committee

The URL's Doctoral Committee coordinates the global monitoring of doctoral studies, including compliance with current regulations and related procedures.

President: Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa
Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Dr. Jordi Abellà Iglesias
IQS School of Engineering
Coordinator of the PhD programme in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Dr. Francesc Alías Pujol
La Salle
Coordinator of the PhD programme in Information Technologies and its Application in Management, Architecture and Geophysics.
Dr Ana Andrés Valle
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Coordinator of the PhD in Psichology and of the International PhD programme in Applied Psychology: Adaptation and Change in Contemporary Societies
Dr Xavier Biarnés Fontal
IQS School of Engineering
Coordinator of the PhD programme in Bioengineering
Dr Bernat Buscà Safont Tria
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Coordinator of the PhD programme in Education and Sport Sciences
Ms. Anna Caellas Camprubí
Rector's Office
Head of Research and Innovation Office
Dr Montserrat Castelló Badia
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Assistant Coordinator of the Inter-university PhD programme in Educational Psychology (DIPE)
Dr. Sergio Llebaría Samper
Esade Law School
Deputy Coordinator of the PhD programme in Economic and Business Law
Dr. Ignasi Martí Lanuza
Esade Business School
Coordinator of the PhD programme in Management Sciences
Dr. Ramon Palau Saumell
IQS School of Management
Deputy Coordinator of the inter-university PhD programme in Business and Territorial Competitiveness, Innovation and Sustainability (CETIS)
Dr. Armando J. Pego Puigbó
La Salle Faculty of Philosophy
Deputy Coordinator of the PhD inter-university programme in Philosophy: Humanism and Transcendence
Ms. Núria Pérez Rossell
URL Rector's Office
Dr Jaume Radigales Babí
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Coordinator of the PhD programme in Communication
Mr Antoni Torres Coll
IQS School of Engineering
Representative of doctoral students
Dr Jordi Vilaró Casamitjana
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Coordinator of the interuniversity PhD programme in Health, Wellness and Bioethics

Gender Equality Comission

This Commission is formed by a representative of each center integrated in the URL and ensures that equal opportunities between men and women in the University become a reality, through the development, implementation and monitoring of the Gender Equality Plan of the URL. It is in charge of promoting the University's equality policies.

President: Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín, Secretary General

Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Secretary General

Dr. Francesc Alías Pujol
La Salle
Dr. Berta Aznar
Blanquerna Foundation
Ms. Andrea del Pozo Rodríguez
Rectorat URL
Head of Secretary General Area
Ms Beatriu Domènech
Ebro Observatory University Institute
Ms. Yolanda Felix
Esade Business School of Administration and Management & Esade School of Law
Dr. Elizabeth Ferrándiz Arjona
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Dr. Daniela Freund
Mr. Dídac González
Blanquerna Foundation
Human Resources Manager
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Dr. Sònia Luengo Álvarez
La Salle
Ms. Jaione Mendizabal Marculeta
La Salle
Ms. Mercè Pedrola
Ms. Aida Peña Alonso
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Assistant director
Ms. Àngels Sogas Perales
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Faculty representative

ICT Coordination Committee

This group serves to foment the use of information technology and communications applications.

President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Ms. Maria José Abella
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Mr. Sergi Arasa Lorenzo
TICs Service Responsible
Mr. Fran Bodego
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Mr. Marc Campmany Llorens
La Salle
Application development officer
Mr. Óscar Cid
Ebro Observatory University Institute
Mr. Josep Lluís Deiros González
Blanquerna Foundation
Mr Carles Font
Vidal i Barraquer Foundation
Director of Information Systems and Communication
Mr. Jordi Palouzié Ibañez
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Head of Information Systems and Telecommunications
Mr. Viktu Pons Colomer
Rector's Office
Responsible for Security, Systems and Communications
Mr. Jorge Luís Rodríguez
Esade Business & Law School
Mr. Eduard Ricou Roig
Rector's Office
Head of Digital University

International Relations Committee

This body coordinates and foments mobility and internationalisation policies

President: Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

Ms Maria Betoret
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Ms. Àngels Cabau Ferreres
Rector's Office
Head of the International relations and students area
Dr. Mark Dangerfield Gudiol
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Ms. Marta Esteller
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Dr Maria Giné Garriga
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Vice-Dean for Research, Transfer, Doctorate and International Relations
Ms. Nina Hoffman Bugié
La Salle
Ms. Laura López Villanueva
Rector's Office
International Relations Consultant
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Ms. Antònia Mª Serra
Esade Business & Law School
Dr Alícia Orta Ramírez
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Ms. Daniela Quiñones
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Dr. Ricard Santomà Vicens
IQS School of Management
Vice Dean
Dr Caterina Sugranyes Ernest
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Dr. Joan Miquel Torta Margalef
Ebro Observatory University Institute

Labor Exchange and Internship Committee

President: Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

Mr Jordi Abad Holgado
La Salle
Ms. Maria José Abella
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Ms. Àngels Cabau Ferreres
Rector's Office
Head of the International relations and students area
Dr. Ignasi Cifre León
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Ms Beatriu Domènech
Ebro Observatory University Institute
Dr Gisela Domínguez Picart
Ms Marta López Vallverdú
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Dr Òscar Mateos Martín
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Vice-Dean for Quality, Student Affairs/Alumni and Employability
Mr Manel Noguera Ballús
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Ms Maria Obiols
Esade Business & Law School
Ms. Aida Peña Alonso
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Assistant director
Ms Victòria Saravia Terricabras
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Ms Anna Trias
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)

Language policy comission

This comission coordinates plans and promotes actions for the promotion and reflection of the linguistic policy of the centers and the University.

President: Ms. Imma Pallarès Gómez, Linguistic Policy Commissioner

Sra. Imma Pallarès Gómez
Ms. Imma Pallarès Gómez
Linguistic Policy Commissioner

Dr. David Altadill Felip
Ebro Observatory
Ms. Luisa Borondo Ruiz
Ms. Cristina Català Puigbò
Esade Business School of Administration and Management
Dr Guiomar Corral Torruella
La Salle Digital Engineering School
Mr. Gabriel Genescà
URL Rector's Office
Ms. Aida Peña Alonso
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Assistant director
Dr. Gisela Riberas Bargalló
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Vice-Dean of Academic Planning
Mr. Carles Riera Font
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Ms. Cristina Realp Cortillas
Rector's Office
Head of Coordination Area of the Governing Bodies
Ms Beatriz Roig Colom
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Head of Communication
Ms. Eulàlia Anna Salvat Golobardes
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Ms. Elisabet Saràvia
Blanquerna School of Health Science

Library Committee

This group is in charge of coordinating the university’s libraries and carrying out ongoing improvement projects, all based on synergies and collaboration.

President: Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa
Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Ms. Maria José Abella
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Ms. Anna Caellas Camprubí
Rector's Office
Head of Research and Innovation Office
Ms. Roser Escudé Recasens
Library Service Responsible
Ms. Núria Monter
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Head of Secretary
Mr. Jordi Pallarès Llorens
Rector's Office
Library Coordinator
Ms. Aida Peña Alonso
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Assistant director
Ms Àngels Rius
Biblioteca de Montserrat
Mr. Josep Soler
Esade Business & Law School
Ms. Rosa Mª Sunyer
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Ms. Anna Tibol Ruiz
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Ms. Anna Ubach
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Mr. Xavier Uriol Garcés
La Salle
Ms. Mercè Yll
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences

Management Committee

This body coordinates joint management actions

President: Dr. Laia Ros i Blanco, manager

Dr. Laia Ros i Blanco
Dr. Laia Ros i Blanco
General Manager

Ms Sonia Amorós Ramos
Mr Jaume Claramunt Company
Rector's Office
Financial Director
Ms Elisenda Codina Salafranca
Vidal i Barraquer University Institute of Mental Health
Director of Support Services
Mr. Jesús Delgado Almendros
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Ms Beatriu Domènech
Ebro Observatory University Institute
Ms Valeria Guitart Gil
Blanquerna Foundation
Financial Director
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Mr Carlos Pastor Lázaro
Esade Law School
Director of Corporate Services
Mr Íñigo Pradera Salazar
La Salle
Business services officer

Official Degree Committee

President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Ms. Anna Cervera Vila
Rector's Office
Head of the Academic Organization and Quality Office
Dr. Lluís Costa Tutusaus
Blanquerna Faculty of Health Science
Academic secretary
Ms. Mayka Fernández López
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Ms. Núria Ginés Castellet
Esade Business & Law School
Center collaborator expert in quality assurance
Ms. Gemma López Rubio
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Ms. Marta Marcè Ibáñez
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Ms. Nuria Martín Rius
La Salle
Dr. Alfons Medina Cambrón
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Dr. José Javier Molins Vara
General Secretary
Ms. Anna Pérez Milán
La Salle
Dr Montserrat Prat Moratonas
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Academic Vice-Dean of Bachelor Degrees and Innovation
Ms. Mª Graciela Quevedo Rosales
La Salle
Ms. Montserrat Ricart Martí
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Quality Technician
Ms Míriam Rodríguez Monforte
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Vice-Dean for Academic and Teaching Innovation
Dr. Xari Rovira Llobera
Esade Business & Law School
Dr. Encarna Ruiz Molina
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Academic director
Ms. Mònica Sisternas Navales
Esade Business & Law School
Ms. Àngels Sogas Perales
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Faculty representative
Ms. Elisabet Vendrell Aubach
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Dr Sandra Vilajoana Alejandre
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Dr Anna Vilaregut Puigdesens
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Dr. Enric Xicoy Comas
Blanquerna Foundation
General secretary

Own Degree Committee

President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Ms. Mireia Cañas Soler
Esade Business & Law School
Chief of Staff
Ms. Anna Cervera Vila
Rector's Office
Head of the Academic Organization and Quality Office
Dr. Lluís Costa Tutusaus
Blanquerna Faculty of Health Science
Academic secretary
Dr. Mark Dangerfield Gudiol
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Ms. Mayka Fernández López
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Ms Mònica Figueres Suñé
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Dr Carmina Folch
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Ms. Núria Ginés Castellet
Esade Business & Law School
Center collaborator expert in quality assurance
Mr. Josep Antoni Gràcia i Cañadas
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Ms. Gemma López Rubio
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Ms. Marta Marcè Ibáñez
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Ms. Nuria Martín Rius
La Salle
Ms. Anna Pérez Milán
La Salle
Dr Montserrat Prat Moratonas
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Academic Vice-Dean of Bachelor Degrees and Innovation
Ms. Mª Graciela Quevedo Rosales
La Salle
Dr. Gisela Riberas Bargalló
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Vice-Dean of Academic Planning
Ms. Montserrat Ricart Martí
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Quality Technician
Ms Míriam Rodríguez Monforte
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Vice-Dean for Academic and Teaching Innovation
Mr. David Ros Pelegay
Dr. Encarna Ruiz Molina
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Academic director
Ms. Esther Sánchez Torres
Esade Business & Law School
Ms. Àngels Sogas Perales
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Faculty representative
Dr. Enric Xicoy Comas
Blanquerna Foundation
General secretary


The main functions of the Commission for the Promotion of the 2030 Agenda are to promote the coordination of the actions and strategies of the URL institutions in relation to the 2030 Agenda, provide information for the preparation of different reports, indicators, surveys and reports related to the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, promote joint and coordinated actions as a University and disseminate information on activities, actions and calls for proposals in relation to the 2030 Agenda.

Coordinator: Janette Martell Sotomayor, Rector's delegate for the promotion of the 2030 Agenda

Dra. Janette Martell Sotomayor
Dr Janette Martell Sotomayor
Rector's delegate for the promotion of the 2030 Agenda

Mr Joan Carrera Carrera
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Ms Elisenda Codina Salafranca
Vidal i Barraquer University Institute of Mental Health
Director of Support Services
Ms Mònica Figueres Suñé
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Ms Gisela Guevara
Mr. Enric Peña Camarillas
Mr Marcel·lí Pérez
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated center)
Dr Oriol Pou Ibar
Dr Josep Sánchez Malagón
Blanquerna Foundation
Dr Antoni Segarra
Ebro Observatory University Institute
Mr Arnau Domingo Cendrós
Students representative

Quality Assurance and Tracking Technical Committee (UQIAD-URL)

President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Dr. Maria Josefa Blanco Roca
IQS School of Engineering
Expert center collaborator in quality assurance
Ms. Anna Cervera Vila
Rector's Office
Head of the Academic Organization and Quality Office
Dr. Ignasi Cifre León
Blanquerna Foundation
Expert center collaborator in quality assurance
Ms. Núria Ginés Castellet
Esade Business & Law School
Center collaborator expert in quality assurance
Mr. Josep Antoni Gràcia i Cañadas
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Ms. Gemma López Rubio
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Ms. Marta Marcè Ibáñez
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Ms. Maite Marzo Arpón
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Expert center collaborator in quality assurance
Ms. Mª Graciela Quevedo Rosales
La Salle
Expert center collaborator in quality assurance
Dr. Xari Rovira Llobera
Esade Business & Law School
Professor/advisor with experience in the field of university quality

Ramon Llull Summer University Academic Committee

Elaborates and coordinates the academic programme of the Ramon Llull Summer University.

President: Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín, Secretary General

Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Secretary General

Ms. Marina Abian Cervelló
La Salle
Ms. Inma Arenas
Dr. Marta Camprodon Rosanas
Campus Life Manager
Dr. Juan José Curto Subirats
Ebro Observatory University Institute
Mr Álvaro Fernández
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated center)
Dr Carmina Folch
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Ms Anna Montmany Cabús
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Ms Marta Pomés Raventós
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Ms. Cristina Realp Cortillas
Rector's Office
Head of Coordination Area of the Governing Bodies
Ms. Elisabet Recio
Esade Law School
Dr. Joan-Andreu Rocha Scarpetta
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Mr. Joan Sabaté Salazar
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Ms. M. Àngels Terrones
AUCer (Associació Universitària de la Cerdanya)

Recognition and Validation Committee

President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Ms. Anna Alonso Vilalta
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Ms. Mireia Cañas Soler
Esade Business & Law School
Chief of Staff
Ms. Anna Cervera Vila
Rector's Office
Head of the Academic Organization and Quality Office
Dr. Lluís Costa Tutusaus
Blanquerna Faculty of Health Science
Academic secretary
Ms. Mayka Fernández López
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Dr Marc Llinàs Folch
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Academic Secretary
Ms. Gemma López Rubio
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Dr. José Javier Molins Vara
General Secretary
Ms. Núria Monter
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Head of Secretary
Dr. Gisela Riberas Bargalló
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Vice-Dean of Academic Planning
Dr. Maria del Mar Rosselló Canal
La Salle

Research Committee

The Research Committee coordinates the University's research activity with the aim of unifying criteria, planning the research and transfer strategy, and sharing good practices.

President: Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa
Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Dr Ana Andrés Valle
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Vice-Dean of Research, Transfer, Doctorate and International Relations
Dr. Rosa M. Alsina Pagès
La Salle Digital Engineering School
Faculty representative
Dr Anna Berga i Timoneda
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Vice-Dean of Research
Ms. Anna Caellas Camprubí
Rector's Office
Head of Research and Innovation Office
Dr. Rebeca Carpi Martín
Esade School of Law
Vice-Dean for Research
Mr. Jaume Condal Domingo
URL Rector's Office
Research Consultant in Spanish and Competitive projects
Dr. Míriam Díez Bosch
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Vice-Dean for Research, Transfer, Doctorate and International Relations
Dr Maria Giné Garriga
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Vice-Dean for Research, Transfer, Doctorate and International Relations
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Dr. Guillem Martí Soler
Dr. Josep Mercadal Rotger
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Dr. Encarna Ruiz Molina
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Academic director
Dr. Joan Miquel Torta Margalef
Ebro Observatory University Institute
Dr. Núria Vallmitjana Palau
IQS School of Engineering
Head of IQS Tech Transfer
Dr. Frank Wiengarten
Escola Superior d'Administració i Direcció d'Empreses Esade
Vice-Dean of Research

Research Ethics Committee

The Research Ethics Committee (CER-URL) enables research staff at the URL to consult, advise and give an opinion on their research projects. It is a collegiate, independent body with the character of evaluator and qualifier of research projects that have ethical implications due to the nature of their objectives and the methodology used.

President: Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa
Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Ms. Ruth Babington
Rector's Office
Secretary of CER-URL
Ms. Victoria Cochrane
Esade Business School
Dr Montserrat Esquerda i Aresté
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Ms. Marina Garcia Morante
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Representative of doctoral students
Dr. Montserrat García Oliva
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Dr. Carles Garriga Berga
La Salle
Mr. Miguel Larrea
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated center)
Dr. Josep Mercadal Rotger
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Ms. Florencia Nava Vallejo
URL Rector's Office
Research Consultant in National Projects and Teaching and Research Staff Accreditation
Dr. Llorenç Puig Puig, sj
Dr. Mar Rosàs Tosas
Blanquerna Foundation | Blanquerna School of Health Science
Data Protection Officer
AGTIC Consulting, S.L.
Dr. Francesc Torralba Rosselló
Rector's Office
Ramon Llull ETHOS Chair Director

Teaching Innovation and Modernisation Committee

President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Dr. Xavier Canaleta Llampallas
La Salle
Ms. Anna Cervera Vila
Rector's Office
Head of the Academic Organization and Quality Office
Dr. Jordi Cuadros Margarit
Mr. Josep Antoni Gràcia i Cañadas
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Ms. Gemma López Rubio
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Ms. Marta Marcè Ibáñez
Rector's Office
Academic Organization and Quality Management
Ms. Ariadna Padrós Estivill
Esade Business & Law School
Ms. Aida Peña Alonso
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Assistant director
Dr Montserrat Prat Moratonas
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Academic Vice-Dean of Bachelor Degrees and Innovation
Dr. Elena Requena Varón
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Ms Míriam Rodríguez Monforte
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Vice-Dean for Academic and Teaching Innovation
Dr. Encarna Ruiz Molina
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Academic director
Dr Sandra Vilajoana Alejandre
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations

UNESCO-URL Chair Academic Committee

This committee coordinates university training, research and extension in areas linked to education, development and technology for developing countries.

President of the Chair: Dr. Josep Antoni Rom Rodríguez
Director of the Chair: Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Dr. Josep Antoni Rom Rodríguez
Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

Ms. Àngels Cabau Ferreres
Rector's Office
Head of the International relations and students area
Dr. Xavier Canaleta Llampallas
La Salle
Dr. Rebeca Carpi Martín
Esade School of Law
Vice-Dean for Research
Dr. Elizabeth Ferrándiz Arjona
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Mr. Onno Gerard Hubert Seroo
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Mr. Jaume Maranges
Esade Business & Law School
Dr. Oriol Quintana Rubio
Identity and Mission delegate
Dr. Joan-Andreu Rocha Scarpetta
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Ms. Maite Sala Rodríguez
Rector's Office
International Relations Consultant
Dr Josep Sánchez Malagón
Blanquerna Foundation
Dr. Jordi Sànchez Torrents
Blanquerna School of Health Science | Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations

University Pastoral Comission

President: Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

Mr. Pere Joan Giralt
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Ms. Anna Eva Jarabo
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Dr. Teo Mellén
Esade Business & Law School
Mn. Àngel Jesús Navarro
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Dr. Oriol Quintana Rubio
Identity and Mission delegate
Ms. Maite Sala Rodríguez
Rector's Office
International Relations Consultant
Dr. Jordi Sànchez Torrents
Blanquerna School of Health Science | Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Mr. Xavier Senmartí Senmartí
La Salle Digital Engineering School