Ramon Llull University works in a cross-cutting way with all its institutions through commissions and work groups composed of representatives of each of the institutions
Academic secretaries Committee
President: Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín, Secretary General

Academic-Teaching Quality Committee
This group proposes, advises and supports the different projects, programmes and processes in the unit’s area of endeavour (tracking and assessment, innovation and studies) carried out from a micro focus (centre level) or macro level (the university as a whole).
President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

It is a collegiate body created to comply with the legal mandate contained in Article 6 of the Law of Coexistence and its main purpose is to ensure peaceful coexistence at the Ramon Llull University.
President: Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín, Secretary General

Committee for the Attention to Students with Specific Needs of Educational Support (NESE)
This Commission is responsible for analyzing and responding to the demands of students with disabilities and/or specific educational support needs who are pursuing bachelor's, master's or doctoral studies at our University. These responses are channeled through the centers or faculties in which the student is enrolled.
President: Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

This body coordinates and foments communication initiatives and promotes URL’s corporate image. It coordinates with the communications departments at all the federated institutions.
President: Dr. Josep Antoni Rom Rodríguez, rector

Data comission
President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Doctoral Committee
The URL's Doctoral Committee coordinates the global monitoring of doctoral studies, including compliance with current regulations and related procedures.
President: Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Gender Equality Comission
This Commission is formed by a representative of each center integrated in the URL and ensures that equal opportunities between men and women in the University become a reality, through the development, implementation and monitoring of the Gender Equality Plan of the URL. It is in charge of promoting the University's equality policies.
President: Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín, Secretary General

ICT Coordination Committee
This group serves to foment the use of information technology and communications applications.
President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

International Relations Committee
This body coordinates and foments mobility and internationalisation policies
President: Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

Labor Exchange and Internship Committee
President: Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

Language policy comission
This comission coordinates plans and promotes actions for the promotion and reflection of the linguistic policy of the centers and the University.
President: Ms. Imma Pallarès Gómez, Linguistic Policy Commissioner

Library Committee
This group is in charge of coordinating the university’s libraries and carrying out ongoing improvement projects, all based on synergies and collaboration.
President: Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Management Committee
This body coordinates joint management actions
President: Dr. Laia Ros i Blanco, manager

Official Degree Committee
President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Own Degree Committee
President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

The main functions of the Commission for the Promotion of the 2030 Agenda are to promote the coordination of the actions and strategies of the URL institutions in relation to the 2030 Agenda, provide information for the preparation of different reports, indicators, surveys and reports related to the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, promote joint and coordinated actions as a University and disseminate information on activities, actions and calls for proposals in relation to the 2030 Agenda.
Coordinator: Janette Martell Sotomayor, Rector's delegate for the promotion of the 2030 Agenda

Quality Assurance and Tracking Technical Committee (UQIAD-URL)
President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Ramon Llull Summer University Academic Committee
Elaborates and coordinates the academic programme of the Ramon Llull Summer University.
President: Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín, Secretary General

Recognition and Validation Committee
President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

Research Committee
The Research Committee coordinates the University's research activity with the aim of unifying criteria, planning the research and transfer strategy, and sharing good practices.
President: Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Research Ethics Committee
The Research Ethics Committee (CER-URL) enables research staff at the URL to consult, advise and give an opinion on their research projects. It is a collegiate, independent body with the character of evaluator and qualifier of research projects that have ethical implications due to the nature of their objectives and the methodology used.
President: Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Teaching Innovation and Modernisation Committee
President: Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé, Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University

UNESCO-URL Chair Academic Committee
This committee coordinates university training, research and extension in areas linked to education, development and technology for developing countries.
President of the Chair: Dr. Josep Antoni Rom Rodríguez
Director of the Chair: Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students

University Pastoral Comission
President: Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students