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Governing bodies

Ramon Llull University, created as a private non-profit foundation, has a federal structure that is governed by its Rules for Organization and Operation. The governing bodies are as follows.



The Universitat Ramon Llull Fundació is the URL’s maximum governing body in all non-academic areas. The Foundation exercises its authority through the Board of Trustees. The latter consists of representatives from the different institutions which make up URL and other members representing civil society. The Board’s primary tasks include defining the university’s strategy and lines of governance, naming the Rector and his/her team, approving the URL’s Statutes, deciding on the creation of new centres, and assuming the function of University Social Council.

Chairman: Mr Lluís Recoder i Miralles
First Vice-President: Mr. Jaume Guardiola Romojaro, Esade Foundation
Second Vice-president: Br Josep Espuny Crespo, La Salle FUNITEC
Secretary: Father Enric Puig Jofra, IQS CETS Private Foundation

Mr Lluís Recoder i Miralles
Ramon Llull University
President of the Board of Trustees
Mr. Jaume Guardiola Romojaro
Esade Foundation
Br Josep Espuny Crespo
Dr Vicenç Pedret Clemente
IQS CETS Foundation
Dr. Josep Maria Carbonell i Abelló
Blanquerna Foundation
Sr. Pedro Fontana Garcia
President Areas
Msgr. Joan Josep Omella
Archbishopric of Barcelona
Mr Xavier Pomés i Abella
Pere Tarrés Foundation
Mr. Carles Cuatrecasas Targa
Riva y García
Mr. Luis Conde Moller
Seeliger y Conde
Dr. Josep Miquel Piqué Huertas
Technova La Salle
Executive president
Sr. Ramon Agenjo Bosch
Fundació DAMM
Ms. Mercè Conesa Pagès
Barcelona Global
General Manager
Ms. Pilar del Barco Aladid
Penguin Random House
Chief Human Resources Officer for Spain, Portugal and Latin America
Mr. Daniel Ripley Soria
Uría Menéndez
Associate member
Ms Francina Alsina i Canudas
Arrels Foundation
Member of the Board of trustees

Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Mr Lluís Recoder i Miralles
President of the Board of Trustees
Mr Lluís Recoder i Miralles

He has a degree in Law and a postgraduate degree in Urban Planning Law. He has been a member of the Congress of Deputies, mayor of Sant Cugat del Vallès, member of the Parliament of Catalonia, vice-president of the Diputació de Barcelona and councilor of Territory and Sustainability. In the private sector, he has practiced law and is currently a partner of the firm Ineo Corporate, and was previously a partner at KPMG lawyers, among others. He has been associate professor of Global Environmental Governance at Blanquerna-URL. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the ETS de Edificación de Barcelona (UPC), of the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of Barcelona and of the Board of Directors of Túneles de Barcelona y Cadí and Esade-Creapolis. He is Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Strategic Plan of ECOEMBES, of Cruz Roja Sant Cugat-Rubí and of the Advisory Board of Fundación Ayuda y Esperanza. Co-founder of the Food Bank of Catalonia, member of Climate Project, Círculo de Economía, the Advisory Board of the Oncolliga Foundation, the Pere Tarrés Foundation and

Since December 2024, he is President of the Board of Trustees of the URL.



Dr. Josep Antoni Rom Rodríguez
Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez

Born in Barcelona (1963). Degree in Contemporary History from the UB (1987), Doctorate in Advertising and Public Relations from the URL (2004) and professor at the URL. In 1994 he joined Blanquerna-URL, where he was co-founder of the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations, Vice-Dean of Technology and Equipment (1998-2016) and Director of the Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing (2016-2020). From September 2020 to September 2022 he was part of the URL Rector Team as Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation. He is a member of several scientific committees of national and international congresses and of the magazines Trípodos, Gráfica and Questiones Publicitarias. He is the main researcher of the Research Group on Strategy and Creativity in Advertising and Public Relations (GRECPRP). He has been director of the university master's degree in Advertising Strategy and Creativity and of the master's degree in Advertising Art Direction at the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations and of the Blanquerna-URL Design and Publications Service.

Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students
Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese

Born in Spezzano Albanese, Italy (1956). He holds a Bachelor degree in Economics and Commerce by Messina University (Italy), an MBA by Esade-URL and a PhD in Economics and Business Sciences by Comillas Pontificia University, ICADE-ICAI (Madrid). He also followed the Executive Program in Management at University of California at Los Angeles UCLA (USA) and the Strategic Marketing Management Program at Harvard University, Boston (USA). He is currently Full Professor of Marketing at Esade-URL (Barcelona, Spain), where he works since 1986 and where he has held various top positions, particularly in the area of international affairs. He is member of the Esade International Advisory Board. Since January 2013 he is part of the URL Rector’s Team as Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students. Among other recognitions, in 2013 he received by the President of the Italian Republic the distinction of “Ufficiale dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia”, and in 2019 by the French Government the distinction of “Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques”. In 2018 he received the Doctorate Honoris Causa of the Córdoba Catholic University, Argentina.

Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation
Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa

Born in Sant Celoni (1963). He is an IQS Chemical Engineer (1987), graduated in Chemistry from URL (1993), Doctor of Chemical Engineering IQS in Organic Chemistry (1991), Fellow Rohm & Haas Agrochemical Division, Pennsylvania, USA (1998). Since 1987, Professor and Chair of the URL (2005). Manager of the Polytechnic University School of Mataró (2008). Director of University Studies, Research and Development of the Public Foundation Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme (2009-10). Patron of the Xavier Foundation (2013-20). Secretary General of IQS-URL (2012-14). Dean of IQS School of Engineering-URL (2014-20). He has co-founded the IQS Molecular Engineering Group 1998-2017 and the GRC Pharmaceutical Chemistry Group (since 2018). His research has focused on Biomedical research in the design of biologically active molecules. He has participated in the publication of two books on Organic Synthesis, more than a hundred articles in international journals and 15 patents. In 2010 he received the Honorable Mention of the Research Award of the Dr. Antoni Esteve Foundation and in 2011 the research award of Expoquimia in the International Year of Chemistry. He has been a national basketball player and coach. Director of the Madrigalist Choir of Mataró, founder of the "Ciutat de Mataró" Choir and for thirty years a member of the Orfeó Català.

Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University
Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé

Born in Barcelona (1967). Full Professor at La Salle-URL. Expert in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (30 years). Degree in Computer Science from Polytechnic University of Catalonia, PhD in Computer Engineering from Ramon Llull University. General Management Program (PDG) at IESE Business School. Member of the Smart Society Research Group at La Salle-URL. Member of the LHCb collaboration at CERN. Member of the Advisory Board of the Observatory of Ethics in Artificial Intelligence of Catalonia (OEIAC). Member of the Advisory Board of the Center of Innovation for Data tech and Artificial intelligence (CIDAI). Member of the Board of Trustees of the Fundació Privada Innovació, Recerca i tecnologia Educativa (FIRTEDU). Member of the Editorial Board of 'COMPRENDRE. Revista catalana de filosofia'. Promotion of Women in Technology. Previously, director of La Salle School of Electronics and Computer Engineering (2003-2012), academic director of La Salle-URL (2012-2014) and academic coordinator of the master's degree in Data Science (2017-2022).

Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Secretary General
Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín

Born in Badalona (1963). Diploma in Teaching from the UB (1985), degree in Pedagogy from the UB (1989) and PhD in Pedagogy from the UB (2011). His professional experience is developed as a social educator in juvenile justice centers before joining as a teacher at the Faculty Pere Tarrés-URL in 1994, where he has held various positions: head of the Social Education Area, director of publications, academic director of the degrees and member of the Research Ethics Committee of the URL. His lines of research and teaching are educational intervention with vulnerable and/or at-risk groups in complex environments, especially in childhood and adolescence; and the construction and development of applied ethics in social education and social work. He has been linked to the scientific management team of the CaixaProinfancia program and to the Permanent Commission of the Observatory of Children's Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya. He currently collaborates with the Center for Legal Studies and Specialized Training, coordinates the Ethics Committee of the Col·legi d'Educadores i Educadors Socials de Catalunya (CEESC) and is a member of the Executive Council of the Ibero-American Society of Social Pedagogy.



This body serves to coordinate the university’s different federated institutions. It consists of the Board of Trustees President, the Rector, the Directors or General Directors of the federated institutions, the Deputy Rectors and the Secretary General. Its primary functions, amongst others, are to: propose the university’s general strategic principles, inform about budgets, inform about or propose the creation of new centres, and plan the structure and development of university programmes, research activities and knowledge transferals.

President: Mr Lluís Recoder i Miralles
Secretary: Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín

Mr Lluís Recoder i Miralles
Ramon Llull University
President of the Board of Trustees
Dr. Josep Antoni Rom Rodríguez
Ramon Llull University
Dr. Salvador Borrós
General Director
Dr. Jordi Riera i Romaní
Blanquerna Foundation
General Director
Mr. Josep M. Santos Fernández
General Director
Dr Daniel Traça
General Director
Mr. Josep Oriol Pujol Humet
Pere Tarrés Foundation
General Director
Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Ramon Llull University
Secretary General
Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Ramon Llull University
Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students
Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa
Ramon Llull University
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation
Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Ramon Llull University
Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University


This is the collegiate body which supports the Rector in governing and managing the university. It consists of the Rector, the Deputy Rectors, the Secretary General, the Directors or Deans of the different schools, a representative from each of the different university research institutes, university delegates from the federated centres, and the Manager (the latter can participate though not vote). The Academic Council meets monthly to prepare the different topics to be addressed by the Management Board, prepare general orientation guidelines regarding academic fees, inform about the creation of new centres, and coordinate academic activities and common services between the different URL centres.

President: Dr. Josep Antoni Rom Rodríguez
Secretary: Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín

Dr. Josep Antoni Rom Rodríguez
Ramon Llull University
Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Ramon Llull University
Secretary General
Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Ramon Llull University
Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students
Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa
Ramon Llull University
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation
Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Ramon Llull University
Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University
Dr. Jordi Díaz Ferrero
IQS School of Engineering
Dr. Flavio Comim
IQS School of Management
Dr Marc Franco Sola
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Dr Montserrat Esquerda i Aresté
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Dr. Marc Polo López
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Dr Guiomar Corral Torruella
La Salle Digital Engineering School
Dr. Christopher Kennett
La Salle International School of Commerce and Digital Economy
Sr. Josep Ferrando Bramona
La Salle School of Architecture
Dr. Carles Llinàs Puente
La Salle Faculty of Philosophy
Dr. Joan Rodón Mòdol
Esade Business School of Administration and Management
Dr. Jorge Castiñeira Jerez
Esade Law School
Dr. Joan-Andreu Rocha Scarpetta
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Dr. Pere Quintana Seguí
Ebro Observatory University Institute
Dr. Mark Dangerfield Gudiol
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Dr. José Luis Sánchez Torelló
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Delegate of URL at ESDI
Dr. Laia Ros i Blanco
URL Rector's Office
General Manager


This is the senior collegiate governing body for academic questions. It consists of the Rector, Deputy Rectors, the Secretary General, the Directors or Deans of the different schools, a professor designated by each centre, the Directors of the university research institutes, between three and six graduate and postgraduate students, a representative from the PAS personnel and administrative staff, and by university delegates from the federated centres. The Management Board generally meets once a semester and, extraordinarily, whenever convened by the Rector or half of its members. The Management Board’s responsibilities include informing about the creation or elimination of schools or institutes, the incorporation of other centres into URL, the approval of study plans and, lastly, advising and providing guidance on the university’s basic academic development.

President: Dr. Josep Antoni Rom Rodríguez
Secretary: Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín

Dr. Josep Antoni Rom Rodríguez
Ramon Llull University
Dr. Jesús Vilar Martín
Ramon Llull University
Secretary General
Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Ramon Llull University
Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students
Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa
Ramon Llull University
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation
Dr. Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
Ramon Llull University
Vice-Rector for Academic Organization and Quality | Digital University
Dr. Jordi Díaz Ferrero
IQS School of Engineering
Dr. Flavio Comim
IQS School of Management
Dr Marc Franco Sola
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Dr Montserrat Esquerda i Aresté
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Dr. Marc Polo López
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Dr Guiomar Corral Torruella
La Salle Digital Engineering School
Dr. Christopher Kennett
La Salle International School of Commerce and Digital Economy
Sr. Josep Ferrando Bramona
La Salle School of Architecture
Dr. Carles Llinàs Puente
La Salle Faculty of Philosophy
Dr. Joan Rodón Mòdol
Esade Business School of Administration and Management
Dr. Jorge Castiñeira Jerez
Esade Law School
Dr. Joan-Andreu Rocha Scarpetta
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Dr. Maria Josefa Blanco Roca
IQS School of Engineering
Quality Unit Director
Dr. Ramon Palau Saumell
IQS School of Management
Deputy Coordinator of the inter-university PhD programme in Business and Territorial Competitiveness, Innovation and Sustainability (CETIS)
Dr. Jordi Simón Llovet
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Faculty representative
Mr Xavier Cardona Iguacen
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Faculty representative
Dr. Marçal Sintes Olivella
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Sr. Josep Maria Ribes Bonet
La Salle International School of Commerce and Digital Economy
Faculty representative
Dr. Rosa M. Alsina Pagès
La Salle Digital Engineering School
Faculty representative
Dr. Jordi Margalef Marrugat
La Salle School of Architecture
Faculty representative
Dr. Armando J. Pego Puigbó
La Salle Faculty of Philosophy
Faculty representative
Dr. Mar Vila Fernández-Santacruz
Esade Business School of Administration and Management
Faculty representative
Dr. Rebeca Carpi Martín
Esade School of Law
Vice-Dean for Research
Ms. Àngels Sogas Perales
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Faculty representative
Dr. Pere Quintana Seguí
Ebro Observatory University Institute
Dr. Mark Dangerfield Gudiol
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Dr David Lorenzo Izquierdo
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Mr. Cristian Cifuentes Martín
URL Students Council
Mr. Pau Gener Ferrer
URL Students Council
Vice president
Mr. Carlos Duncan Vázquez Parra
Students Council
Ms. Andrea Ballester Gríful
URL Students Council
Ms. Anna Cervera Vila
Rector's Office
Head of the Academic Organization and Quality Office
Dr. José Luis Sánchez Torelló
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Delegate of URL at ESDI