2nd URL Day for the promotion of the 2030 Agenda «The future is fleeting»
Event in hybrid format: on-site (URL Rectorate | c. Claravall, 1. Barcelona - map) and virtual
With eight years to go before the 2030 Agenda is finalized, the challenges posed by the effects of the climate crisis are becoming increasingly important. Catalan universities, including Ramon Llull University (URL), have placed the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the forefront of their strategies.
This 2nd URL Day for the promotion of the 2030 Agenda, entitled «The future is fleeting», aims precisely to highlight the need to continue promoting and reviewing the commitments of our university with the different SDGs, on this occasion, especially with SDG 7 (Clean and affordable energy), 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) and 12 (Responsible consumption and production).
10.00 a.m. Inauguration
- Dr. Josep Maria Garrell, rector of the URL
- Mr. Federico Bogdanowicz, Director General, Jane Goodall Institute Spain / Senegal
10.15 a.m. Recorded intervention
- Dr. Jane Goodall, ethologist and UN Messenger of Peace
10.30 a.m. Round table «A sustainable community (I): visions and reflections of URL students
- Ms. Maria Serra, 2nd year student of International Relations at the Faculty of Communication and International Relations Blanquerna-URL
- Ms. Marina Pozo, 4th year student of Biotechnology at IQS-URL
- Mr. Rafel Jaume Venys, 1st year Digital Business Design & Innovation student at La Salle-URL
- Mr. Juan Brill, 3rd year student of Global Governance, Economics and Legal Order at Esade-URL
- Ms. Marta Crespo, student of 4th year of Social Education and 2nd year of Social Work (double degree) at the Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work-URL
- Mr. Cristian Cifuentes, student of 3rd year of Interior Design at ESDi Higher School of Design-URL (affiliated center)
11.30 a.m. Coffee break
12.00 p.m. Round table «A sustainable community (II): experiences and proposals to promote SDG 7, 11 and 12 at URL»
- Ms. Núria Llaverías, coordinator of the Climate Action Working Group at URL
- Dr. Letícia Duboc, researcher in the Media Technologies Group (GTM) at La Salle-URL
- Dr. Oriol Pou, researcher at the URL Group of Engineering and Simulation of Environmental Processes (GESPA) of IQS School of Engineering-URL
- Mr. Albert Carbó, head of the Heritage area at Esade-URL
- Moderated by: Dr. Josep Sánchez, professor at Blanquerna-URL
01.30h p.m. Closing ceremony
- Dr. Oscar Mateos, Rector's Delegate for the promotion of the 2030 Agenda at URL
The event will be held in person at the URL Rectorate and will also be broadcast online.
You can register for the conference using this form.
( Winner of the Contest for the image of the Day: Àlvar Pérez Gabriel, 1st year of the degree in International Relations Blanquerna-URL )
More information
Anna Tosca Domènech
Press and Online Communication Office
Tels. (34) 936 022 228 | 692 671 597
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