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Do you want to be an expert in High Performance Web Programming?

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Take the opportunity to study with the new MOOC from the Online Master in Web Programming for free. Access our online platform and get to know, first hand, its design and the way the contents of the Master are organized and presented.

You will be able to discover our SDBL (Self-Directed Based Learning) methodology, which will allow you to work autonomously and, at the same time, have a continuous monitoring from the Coordinator of the Master, Víctor Caballero. Throughout the course you will be able to carry out a practical programming exercise and receive direct feedback from the coordinator.

The course starts on May 25th and has a total duration of 10 days; therefore, it ends on June 3rd. This is a 100% online course not subject to schedules, so you can study at the time of day that best suits you.

In addition, if you successfully complete this course, you can get a 20% discount on the enrollment of the Online Master in Web Programming at La Salle-URL or the Master of Science in High Performance web Programming.

Take the chance to study the key technologies of a web project, with the flexibility that online teaching offers!

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Facultat d'Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés-URL (c. Santaló, 37. Barcelona)


Facultat d'Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés-URL (c. Santaló, 37. Barcelona)