The two HP & La Salle-URL scholarships are awarded to study the degree in Health Engineering
Friday, September 16, 2022. Marina Guardiola and Alexandra Petremand are the two students who will benefit from the HP & La Salle-URL scholarship to study the new degree in Health Engineering, launched this September by La Salle-URL and Blanquerna-URL. The awarding of the scholarships took place this week in the Campus Board Room with the presence of both students and their families; Josep M. Santos, General Director of La Salle-URL; Virginia Palacios, 3D Strategic Marketing Director of HP; Guiomar Corral, Academic Director of the Engineering Degrees at La Salle-URL; and Roger Mallol, Coordinator of the Degree in Health Engineering.
The HP & La Salle-URL scholarship is an initiative that promotes gender equality in the technological environment. In addition, it reinforces the commitment of both institutions to promote female talent in STEAM professions (acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). These grants are part of the La Salle-URL scholarship program, which promotes excellence and favors equal opportunities to pursue university studies, from which approximately half of new degree students benefit.
Virginia Palacios, the HP representative, congratulated the students and encouraged them to make the most of everything they learn in the degree. For his part, Josep M. Santos, general director of La Salle-URL, praised the two students for "being the example of the spirit of the community and the students of La Salle-URL: always pursuing academic excellence and committed to betterment of society". For their part, both students appreciated the confidence and were very motivated with the degree. "Being part of the first promotion of Health Engineering at La Salle-URL is a great challenge", assured Alexandra Petremand, while Marina Guardiola explained that she wants to "contribute a grain of sand in engineering and in the health field".
More information
Ms. Gloria Maltas Pérez
Head of Corporate Communication
La Salle-URL
Tels. (34) 93 290 24 00 | 616 940 559
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