Research Ethics Committee of the URL
Universitat Ramon Llull has a Research Ethics Committee (CER-URL) which allows all its centres to consult, seek advice and decide on the research projects they wish to pursue
CER-URL is a collegiate and independent body which evaluates and rates research projects with ethical implications due to the nature of their objectives and methodology. Special emphasis is given to competitive projects in which the call for proposals specifically requires CER-URL’s approval.
CER-URL carries out its mission with full transparency. It also takes into account other national and/or international norms and reference documents on the matter. Its functions are to prepare and approve reports, proposals, recommendations and other documents, specifically, the following:
- Issue reports requested by Universitat Ramon Llull’s federated institutions (and by the centres these manage) or requested directly by researchers or research groups regarding projects which, due to their content or objectives, are carried out on people, make use of personal data or human tissue samples, use biological agents or genetically-modified organisms, or carry out experiments with animals.
- Upon request by researchers, evaluate any other research project which, though not officially requiring CER-URL’s assessment, may have a direct impact on: people’s fundamental rights and their biological/psychological/social conditions, social and economic justice, peace, the environment and the proper treatment of animals.
- Upon petition by URL’s governing bodies or federated institutions, prepare reports about CER-URL’s own activities or about relevant ethical issues affecting the research carried out at the university.
- Any other function which may be delegated to CER-URL by URL’s governing bodies with respect to research at the university.
CER-URL consists of the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation and a representative from each of URL’s federated institutions. In addition, other CER-URL members include a representative from the Ramon Llull Ethos Chair and a representative chosen by URL PhD candidates.
President: Dr. Jordi Teixidó i Closa, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

1st version: approved by the Board of Governors of the URL on 24 January 2012
2nd version: approved by the URL Board of Governors on July 18, 2019
Catalan version