Loan service
Service scope and operation
- The library loan service allows URL students, faculty and PAS administrative and service staff to check-out items from any URL library for a limited period of time.
- Both ESDi Higher School of Design (affiliated center) users and library are excluded from this service.
- Some documents within the different libraries are restricted to users from those same centres.
- The documents identified in the catalogue as excluded from loans can only be consulted in the respective library’s reading room.
- For those interested in requesting a loan of a book from a library other than their own centre’s library, they can go directly to the library where the document is located or request that we deliver it to their library through the internal messenger service. Delivery can take between 3 to 7 days.
Number of documents that can be checked out by type of user
| User | Maximum number | Loan period |
| Undergraduate and postgraduate students | 10 | 21 days 14 days (intensive use) |
| PhD candidates | 10 | 30 days 14 days (intensive use) |
| Faculty | 30 | 60 days |
PAS staff and academic assistants | 10 | 30 days |
The loan period is the same as that for books and type of user. | ||
Type of document | Maximum number | |
Documents with limited loan period (2 days) | 2 | |
Videos/DVDs or psychological tests | 2 |
Users are entitled to renew their loans a maximum of 6 times so long as the text in question has not been reserved by another user.
Users can renew their loans through the option El meu compte (My account) via the catalogue or through the library loan desk, by telephone or e-mail.
Sanction for overdue items
For each day’s delay in returning the loaned item, users will be sanctioned with one day for each loan, without being able to use the loan service.
Information for URL Community members
Què us ofereix el servei de préstec interbibliotecari?
El servei de préstec interbibliotecari us permet obtenir documents que no es troben a les biblioteques de la Universitat Ramon Llull i tampoc es troben disponibles a través del PUC.
Com accedir al formulari de petició de documents?
Abans d'utilitzar aquest servei per primer cop contacteu, si us plau, amb la vostra biblioteca.
Accés al formulari de petició de documents (seleccióneu la institució a la qual pertanyeu):
- IQS, La Salle i Facultat d'Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés
- Blanquerna
- Esade
- Institut Borja de Bioètica i Institut Universitari de Salut Mental Vidal i Barraquer (utilitzeu l'identificador i contrasenya que us facilitaran a la vostra biblioteca)
Tarifes associades al servei
Biblioteques del CSUC | Biblioteques (Espanya) | Biblioteques (estranger) | |
Articles de revista | 0,12 € per pàgina més IVA | 5 € (fins a 40 pàgines) més IVA | Demaneu pressupost |
Préstec interbibliotecari | Gratuït | 8 € | Demaneu pressupost |
Information for non-URL Community members
To request a loan or photocopy of any text within URL’s libraries, interested parties should contact the library containing said document directly based on the information that appears in our catalogue. All the libraries apply the corresponding service Rebiun fees established by the Spanish University Library Network (Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias Españolas, REBIUN).
For further information, write to:
Institut Químic de Sarrià (Codi REBIUN: $URLQ)
Via Augusta, 390
08017 Barcelona
Tel. (34) 932 672 005
Blanquerna (Codi REBIUN: $URLB)
Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna. Císter, 34. 08022 Barcelona
Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna · Padilla, 326-332. 08025 Barcelona
Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna · Plaça Joan Coromines, s/n. 08001 Barcelona
Tel. (34) 932 533 030
Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle (Codi REBIUN: $URLS)
Quatre Camins, 30
08022 Barcelona
Tel. (34) 932 902 450
Esade (Codi REBIUN: $URLE)
Esade Fons Biblioteca Borja
Campus Barcelona: Marquès de Mulhacén, 40-42. 08034 Barcelona
Campus Sant Cugat: Avinguda de la Torre Blanca, 59. 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès
Tel. (34) 932 806 162 (ext. 4018)
Facultat d’Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés (Codi REBIUN: $URLP)
Santaló, 37
08021 Barcelona
Tel. (34) 934 152 551
Institut Universitari Observatori de l'Ebre (Codi REBIUN: $URLLO)
Horta Alta, 38
43250 Roquetes (Tarragona)
Tel. (34) 977 500 511
Institut Universitari de Salut Mental Vidal i Barraquer (Codi REBIUN: $URLV)
Sant Gervasi de Cassoles, 88-90
08022 Barcelona
Tel. (34)934 340 001
Institut Borja de Bioètica (Codi REBIUN: $URLI)
Santa Rosa, 39-57, 3a planta
08950 Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Edifici docent Sant Joan de Déu
Tel. (34) 936 006 106 (ext. 4372)
Biblioteca de Montserrat (Codi REBIUN: $URLM)
E 08199 – Montserrat (Barcelona)
Tel. (34) 938 777 777 (ext. 1750)