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La Salle-URL participates in ISE 2025, the benchmark event in the audiovisual sector


IASlab, the new laboratory for transdisciplinary research and artistic creation, stars in one of the ISE round tables

Wednesday, February 5, 2025. La Salle-URL Campus Barcelona is participating in Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2025, one of the main international events for technology and audiovisual solutions that, under the motto ‘Connection Restored’, reflects in this year’s edition on artificial intelligence, sustainability, audio and cybersecurity. At ISE 2025, La Salle-URL is highlighting its positioning as a leading university in innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, which is reinforced by the recent inauguration of the Interactive Arts & Science Laboratory (IASlab).

Precisely, the IASlab is the protagonist of one of the activities organized by La Salle-URL at ISE 2025, the round table “From Vision to Innovation: At the crossroads of Research and Talent at IASlab”. In this talk, Rosa Ma. Alsina, director of Research and Innovation of the campus; Xavi Bové, artist and director of the Degree and Master in Digital Arts; and Oriol Guasch, professor and researcher in Acoustics, share their vision of the IASlab project, which connects research and emerging talent in the audiovisual and digital fields.

On the other hand, the audiovisual production company Brooder Lab, which emerged from the campus to accompany the professional journey of La Salle-URL students and graduates, will also be present at the fair presenting the work Cignes Salvatges, created by Laia Tarragó, a former student of the Degree in Digital Arts. In addition, two La Salle-URL students will participate in the Talent Market at ISE, a space where they can interact with global companies and explore job opportunities.

More information

Cristofer Fernández Pérez
La Salle-URL Corporate Communication
Tel. 93 290 23 86

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