Regulations and action plans
Regulations of the Sindicatura de Greuges of the URL
February 24, 2025
Catalan version
Regulations on the organisation and functioning of the comissions, comittees and working groups of Ramon Llull University
Approved by the URL Governing Board on June 13, 2024
Protocol for the prevention, detection and action against sexual harassment, harassment based on sex, sexual orientation or gender expression at Ramon Llull University
Approved by the URL Governing Board on June 1, 2012. Modification approved on February 2, 2020. Update approved on June 13, 2024.
Tutoresport-URL Programm
Criteria for action with high-level student athletes at URL.
Approved by the URL Governing Board on September 22, 2022
Regulations for URL student representatives
Approved by the URL Governing Board on September 22, 2022
Catalan version
IV Equal URL Opportunity Plan
Approved by the URL Governing Board in Barcelona on November 18, 2021.
Catalan version
Regulations of the URL Research Ethics Committee
1st version: approved by the Board of Governors of the URL on 24 January 2012
2nd version: approved by the URL Board of Governors on July 18, 2019
Catalan version
Regulations for access to the URL faculty categories
December 22, 2010
Catalan version