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The UNESCO Chair in Education, Development and Technology of the Ramon Llull University was created in 2001 to contribute to human development through the creation of an inter-university cooperation network in which the centers that make up the URL will participate jointly with other university centers in different countries.

It works from a model of university cooperation based on the integral formation of the person, research and knowledge transfer, with the aim of promoting an integrated system of actions focused on education, science and technology that pursue an essential objective: the subject matter being researched must have an impact on human development.

This Chair is part of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Program, which involves over 850 institutions in 120 countries.



The UNESCO-URL Chair’s mission is to apply a university cooperation model based on the integral education of people, research and knowledge transferal, thereby strengthening an integrated system of actions. The latter specifically focus on education, science and technology and all in pursuit of a fundamental objective: research has to have a positive impact on human development. 

The Chair’s objectives include, on the one hand, promoting and consolidating relations between member countries through the creation of inter-university cooperation networks. On the other, it strives to strengthen the higher education institutions themselves, thus ensuring the continuity of their projects implemented within the framework of the Chair.

To fulfil its objectives, the Chair organises spaces for debates (conferences, seminars, etc.), prepares educational material and publications, and implements its University Cooperation for Development (CUD) projects. In addition, it also organises undergraduate and postgraduate courses and has a PhD programme in specific fields for both professors and researchers in developing countries.

The Chair’s organisational structute is as follows:

Executive Committee

Dr. Josep Antoni Rom Rodríguez
Ramon Llull University
Dr. Carlo Maria Gallucci Calabrese
Ramon Llull University
Vice-Rector for International Relations and Students
Dr. Laia Ros i Blanco
URL Rector's Office
General Manager
Ms. Anna Tosca Domènech
Head of the Rector's Office | Head of Press and Digital Communication Office

Academic Committee

Ms. Àngels Cabau Ferreres
Rector's Office
Head of the International relations and students area
Dr. Xavier Canaleta Llampallas
La Salle
Dr. Rebeca Carpi Martín
Esade School of Law
Vice-Dean for Research
Dr. Lluís Costa Tutusaus
Blanquerna Faculty of Health Science
Academic secretary
Dr. Elizabeth Ferrándiz Arjona
ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated centre)
Mr. Onno Gerard Hubert Seroo
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Mr. Jaume Maranges
Esade Business & Law School
Dr. Oriol Quintana Rubio
Identity and Mission delegate
Dr. Joan-Andreu Rocha Scarpetta
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Ms. Maite Sala Rodríguez
Rector's Office
International Relations Consultant
Dr Josep Sánchez Malagón
Blanquerna Foundation
Dr. Jordi Sànchez Torrents
Blanquerna School of Health Science | Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations

Collaborating faculty

Mr. Jaume Maranges
Esade Business & Law School
Dr. Xavier Canaleta Llampallas
La Salle
Dr. Lluís Costa Tutusaus
Blanquerna Faculty of Health Science
Academic secretary
Dr. Llorenç Puig Puig, sj
Dr. Òscar Martínez Rivera
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Dr. Teo Mellén
Esade Business & Law School
Dr. Joan-Andreu Rocha Scarpetta
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Spaces for debate

Spaces for debate

URL implements actions aimed at organising and supporting diverse, public and open conferences, seminars and the creation of online forums to debate on the topics included within the Chair’s mission.


Thematic Conferences

  • Participació al “V Congreso Universidad y  Cooperación” - Cádiz, abril 2011
  • Participació a “12th International Conference on Wetlands Systems for Water Pollution Control - Venècia, Itàlia (octubre 2010)
  • Participació a la “International Scientific Conference on Technologies for Development UNESCO Chair” - Lausanne, Suïssa (febrer 2010)
  • Comité organizador del 3er Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control: WETPOL 2009 - Barcelona, septiembre de 2009
  • Encuentro de Cátedras UNESCO de España - Córdoba - 6-10 octubre de 2009
  • Congreso Internacional Gestión Sostenible del agua: reutilización, tratamiento y evaluación de la calidad en Medellín - Colombia, julio de 2008
  • «Una mirada al sur, muestra de cine peruano» - MACBA (Barcelona), setembre de 2008. Amb la col·laboració de Romà Guardiet de la Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna-URL.
  • Semana Intercultural de la Universitat Ramon Llull - Febrer de 2008
  • Workshop Internacional Gestió sostenible de l'aigua: noves tendències de reutilització, tractament i avaluació de la qualitat - Barcelona y Terrassa, (julio de 2007). Actividad coordinada por la Cátedra UNESCO-URL y la Cátedra UNESCO de Sostenibilidad de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
  • Organización de la exposición fotográfica «Amazònia, la source retrouvèe» - Diciembre de 2006 – julio de 2008. Actividad coordinada por la Cátedra UNESCO-URL y el museo CosmoCaixa.
  • 2ª Semana Subsahariana - Febrero de 2007. Organizada por Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle.
  • 1ª Semana Subsahariana - 13-17 de febrero de 2006. Organizada por Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle.


We prepare both hard-copy and online texts on subjects addressed by the Chair. These publications serve as initial ethical references to implement balanced development projects in keeping with the Chair’s mission.

  • Edition of the book "Proyecto Urubamba. Lasallistas sin fronteras en un proyecto socioeducativo inclusivo" (2019), written by Xavi Canaleta, David Badia, Maryuri Maguiña and Brother José Luís Vadillo. The book collects the trajectory of international cooperation promoted by La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL and the Sacred Valley of the Incas, since its formation in 2013 until 2018.
  • Publication of the winning works of the Aristos Campus Mundus Awards on the ACM website.  
  • Edition of the book "Economía global: actualidad y tendencias", coordinated by Carlos Moslares (IQS) and Álvaro Pedroza (ITESO), Mexico (2010).
  • Edition of the documentary "Tipón: sinfonía del agua", coordinated by Mario Fernando Caller Salas (Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Peru) in collaboration with Dr. Rosario Pastor (UNESCO-URL Chair) (2010).
  • Preparation of the guides "Guías para el diseño, construcción, operación y mantenimiento de humedales construidos", coordinated by Dr. Rosario Pastor (UNESCO-URL Chair) in collaboration with Dr. Carlos Arias (Aarhus University, Denmark) (2009-2010). 
  • Edition of the book "Tipón: Monumento Histórico Internacional de la Ingeniería Hidráulica de los Incas", coordinated by Mario Fernando Caller Salas (Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Peru) in collaboration with Dr. Rosario Pastor (UNESCO-URL Chair) (2007).
  • Edition of the book "Bloques regionales vs nacionalismo", coordinated by Carlos Moslares (IQS) and edited by UNESCO-URL Chair (2007).
PhD and courses

PhD and courses

The aim of the UNESCO-URL Chair PhD programme is to institutionally strengthen the higher education entities in participating countries, training professors, researchers and highly qualified professionals. One of the programme’s key objectives is to promote the preparation of PhD theses in especially relevant topics for the development of the candidates’ countries of origin.

The programme enables PhD candidates to take advantage of short stays at Universitat Ramón Llull so as to not be gone from their institutions for long periods. In the first phase, candidates have to fulfil the number of credits established in URL’s specific PhD programme regulations. For this, URL and the Latin American universities attempt to coordinate each other to minimise efforts and resources, bearing in mind priority areas, institutional efforts and research projection in the countries of origins.

The programme also aims to support candidates completing PhD classes, obtaining an official Master’s and preparing, defending and presenting their theses through scholarships which cover travel expenses, housing and food as well as teaching expenses for candidates while at URL.

Further information in Spanish

CUD Projects

Humanistic, scientific and technological projects

Within the framework of the University Cooperation for Development (CUD) programme, the UNESCO-URL Chair organises training and research activities to motivate young entrepreneurs who want to launch a competent and imaginative business project based on the realities of their own specific countries. In addition, it also encourages scientific and technological projects with the region’s researchers.

Further information in Spanish




Maite Sala Rodríguez
International relations and students Office
Ramon Llull University
Tel. 936 022 227