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Dependent entities


The Ramon Llull University states that at present it does not have any foundation or dependent entity, without prejudice to those that may be linked to its federated institutions.

Ramon Llull University is an academic not-for-profit institution, with a federal structure, made up of different institutions of higher education and research. These institutions maintain their own and autonomous legal personality, and sign a management contract with the University to determine the operating regime. The organizational uniqueness of the Ramon Llull University lies in the fact that it is structured on the principle of a federative pact between the University, the formal holder and liable for the centers that comprise it, on the one hand, and the various entities that assume the management of each one of the centers with its own human, technological and patrimonial resources, on the other.

The rules for the Organization and operation of the Ramon Llull University were approved by the Decision GOV / 99/2010, of 25 May (BOE No. 165, of July 8), later modified by Decision GOV 18/2014, of 4 February (BOE No. 53, of March 3, 2014).